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Drawing figures and plots with the GLE language is easy. A GLE file is a collection of drawing commands that the GLE program converts into either a bitmap or vector graphics file.

Language details

  • GLE is NOT case sensitive.
  • It does NOT require a special character to terminate the line
  • Commands cannot be broken over multiple lines
  • The first drawing command must be a size command to define the figure size
  • Distances are measured in centimeters and angles in radians
  • The origin is at the lower left part of the figure
  • ! is the comment character. All text after it is ignored.
  • Data for a plot is contained within a separate file from the GLE script.
  • Drawing occurs at the current point that is changed with absolute amove x y and relative rmove x y commands.
  • The initial current point is (0,0) at the lower left corner.
  • The graphics state such as line widths colors, styles, fonts can be retained and restored with the gsave and grestore commands.

Hello World Example

A drawing of some basic shapes and text.
size 10 10
set font texcmss
set hei 1.0
amove 1 1
box 2 3 fill blue
rmove 6 7
circle 1.25 fill orange
amove 5 5
set just cc
write "Hello World"
amove 5 1
rline 2 2
rline 2 -2 arrow end
amove 2.5 7
ellipse 2.5 1 fill gray10

Plotting Data

A plot of data that is contained in a separate text file and fit to a straight line.

Create a plain text file called data.csv that contains some data, which may look like

! sample scatter plot data

Create a gle file called that exists in the same folder as data.csv that loads the data and draws a plot. zip file contains all files for this figure.
! - A scatter plot - plots data contained in data.csv and fits it with a straight line
size 10 10/1.6

set font texcmss
set hei 0.3
amove 0 0
begin graph
    scale auto
    data "data.csv" d1 = c1 , c2
    d1 marker fcircle color red key "My Data"
    let d2 = linfit d1 myslope myoffset myR2
    d2 line color black key "Fit"
    xtitle "Time (s)"
    ytitle "Distance (m)"
    key compact position tl
end graph
! display information on the graph
amove xg(20) yg(3)
write "R^2 = "+format$(myR2,"fix 4")
rmove 0 -0.3
write "slope = "+format$(myslope,"fix 2")

Plotting a function

GLE can plot mathematical functions and comes with standard mathematical functions, constants, and several special functions built in.
! -- example of plotting a function
size 10 10
set font texcmss
set hei 0.5
amove 0 0 
begin graph
    scale auto
    let d1 = 3*x^2+x^3 from -5 to 5 nsteps 1000
    d1 line color GREEN lwidth 0.05 key "3x^2+x^3"
    xtitle "foo"
    ytitle "bar"
end graph

Custom functions and subroutines can be written as shown below, where pi is an understood constant.
! -- example of plotting a user defined function
size 10 10
set font texcmr
set hei 0.5
amove 0 0
sub my_function x b c
    return b*sin(2*pi*x/c)
end sub
begin graph
    scale auto
    let d1 = 3*x^2+x^3 from -5 to 5 nsteps 1000
    d1 line color GREEN lwidth 0.05 key "3x^2+x^3"
    let d2 = my_function(x,50,3) from -5 to 5 nsteps 1000
    d2 line color BLUE lwidth 0.03 key "sine wave"
    xtitle "foo"
    ytitle "bar"
end graph