!  ascatterplot.gle - A scatter plot - plots data contained in data.csv and fits it with a straight line
size 10 10/1.6

set font texcmss
set hei 0.3
amove 0 0
begin graph
    scale auto
    data "data.csv" d1 = c1 , c2
    d1 marker fcircle color red key "My Data"
    let d2 = linfit d1 myslope myoffset myR2
    d2 line color black key "Fit"
    xtitle "Time (s)"
    ytitle "Distance (m)"
    key compact position tl
end graph
! display information on the graph
amove xg(20) yg(3)
write "R^2 = "+format$(myR2,"fix 4")
rmove 0 -0.3
write "slope = "+format$(myslope,"fix 2")