GLE Example:
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size 18 27 include "" box 18 27 amove .2 .2 box 18-.4 27-.4 set just center hei 1.4 font rmi amove 12.1 23 for i = 0 to 1 step .05 set color (1-i) write "Utilities" rmove -.05 .025 next i set color white write "Utilities" set color black set hei .8 just center amove 11.8 21.6 write "Surface, Contour," rmove 0 -.9 write "Manip, Fitz, Letz, Fitls" rmove 0 -1.2 set hei .6 write "Version 3.2" set just left hei .401 font rm begin object thetext begin text width 13 \setstretch{.01}MANIP is a general purpose data entry and manipulation package. FITLS fits any equation with unknown constants to X,Y data. FITZ allows surfaces to be fitted to X,Y,Z data. LETZ allows a surface to be generated from an X,Y equation. Evenly spaced Z data can be plotted using SURFACE or a contour of the data can be plotted on a normal GLE graph using CONTOUR. end text end object amove pagewidth()/2 16 draw thetext 0.4 0.4 set hei 7 font rmi amove 2 2 begin path clip stroke write "GLE" end path set lwidth .1 amove 2 1.8 for i = 0 to 40 amove 2 2 aline i 40-i next i
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