GLE Example:

[PDF file]


! Example by Jan Soubusta

size 21 10.5

alfa = 25
beta = 35
mmax = 4

persp_scale = 3

include ""

sub namaluj_graf jmeno$ skip_lines polabel_xy popisz$
   begin origin
      if (popisz$="re") then
         z_axis_min = -.5
         z_axis_max  =  1
         z_axis_min = -.5
         z_axis_max  = 0.5
         formatz$="fix 2"
      end if
      dmin = z_axis_min
      dmax = z_axis_max


      fopen jmeno$ vstup read
      local k
      for k=1 to skip_lines
         freadln vstup
      next k
      for k=1 to mmax
         draw_matrix_row k 1
      next k
      fclose vstup


      if (popisz$="re") then
         draw_z_ticks -.5 1 .5
         draw_z_ticks -.5 .5 .25
      end if


      if polabel_xy then
         label_x 1 "HH"
         label_x 2 "HV"
         label_x 3 "VH"
         label_x 4 "VV"

         label_y 1 "HH"
         label_y 2 "HV"
         label_y 3 "VH"
         label_y 4 "VV"
      end if
   end origin
end sub

sub print_xy x y txt$
   amove x y
   write txt$
end sub


set just cc hei 0.3 color black
x0=0; y0=0
project_3D2D .5 .5 .5
x0 = pagewidth()/2-xgr-4.6
y0 = pageheight()/2-ygr+.8

project_3D2D .5 .5 .5
xgrp = xgr+0
ygrp = ygr-3


filek$ = "sample_3D.dat"
amove 0 0
namaluj_graf filek$ 1 true "re"

amove 10.5 0
namaluj_graf filek$ 6 true "im"

set just cc hei .6 color black
kam = 8
print_xy 2    kam "Re"
print_xy 12.5 kam "Im"


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