GLE Library:

! This library is designed to plot 3D BAR graphs of square matrices

! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Global constants with typical values:
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! mmax       (4 or 16) size of the matrix
! r          (6 cm)    the matrix is drawn to a 3D cube r.r.r
! alfa       (25 deg)  rotation of the cube in horizontal direction
! beta       (30 deg)  rotation of the cube in vertical direction
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! x0,y0                position of the left bottom corner of the cube
! xgrp, ygrp           position of the perspective point of infinity
! persp_scale  (3)     perspective scale
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! z_axis_min   z_axis_bottom_value
! z_axis_max   z_axis_top_value
! z0           baseline for drawing 3D bars up or down
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Used colors:
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! color_frame$, col_T$, col_L$, col_R$, col_BR$, col_BL$
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Important subroutines
! sub project_3D2D s1 s2 s3
! Takes one point of 3D box [s1,s2,s3] and calculates its position in
! the picture [xgr,ygr]
! sub draw_back_frame
! Draws three back lines of the cube.
! sub draw_middle_frame
! Draws six additional lines of the cube.
! sub draw_front_frame
! Draws three front lines of the cube.
! sub normalize_z zvalue
! Calculates normalized z coordinate in a range (0,1)
! (zvalue - bottom_z_value)/(top_z_value - bottom_z_value)
! sub draw_bar_z i j zvalue
! Draws one bar, (i,j) element of the matrix with a given value (zvalue).
! sub draw_matrix_row k l
! Draws one row of the matrix. The subroutine reads one row of the matrix
! and displays the elements in reverse order (the last one the first).
! This condition ensures correct resulting visualization.
! sub draw_z_ticks h1 h2 h3
! Draws ticks with labels to z_axis: from h1, to h2, with a step h3.
! The format of z_axis labels can be set, e.g.
! formatz$ = "fix 2"
! sub draw_xy_ticks
! Draws ticks to x_axis and y_axis
! sub label_x i txt$
! Draws label txt$ to i-th x_axis tick.
! sub label_y i txt$
! Draws label txt$ to i-th y_axis tick.

r = 6
color_frame$ = "black"
col_T$  = "rgb(1,.8,.8)"
col_L$  = "rgb(.8,.8,1)"
col_R$  = "rgb(.8,1,.8)"
col_BR$ = "rgb(.6,.6,1)"
col_BL$ = "rgb(.6,1,.6)"

dmin = z_axis_min
dmax = z_axis_max

sa = sin(torad(alfa))
ca = cos(torad(alfa))
sb = sin(torad(beta))
cb = cos(torad(beta))
ux = todeg(atan((ca/sa)*sb))
uy = -todeg(atan((sa/ca)*sb))

x0 = 0; y0 = 0

set join round just cc


sub project_3D2D s1 s2 s3
   xgr = x0+r*(s1*ca+s2*sa)
   local zp  = s1*sa-s2*ca
   ygr = y0+r*(s3*cb-zp*sb)
   zp  = s3*sb+zp*cb
   ! perspektiva
   if (zp<persp_scale) then
      local zper = persp_scale/(persp_scale-zp)
      xgr = zper*xgr+(1-zper)*xgrp
      ygr = zper*ygr+(1-zper)*ygrp
      ! IT IS OUT, predmety nejsou prede mnou, ale za mnou
      xgr = 0
      ygr = 0
   end if
end sub


sub od_do a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 b3
   project_3D2D a1 a2 a3
   amove xgr ygr
   project_3D2D b1 b2 b3
   aline xgr ygr
end sub


sub _do b1 b2 b3
   amove xgr ygr
   project_3D2D b1 b2 b3
   aline xgr ygr
end sub


sub draw_back_frame
   set color color_frame$
   od_do 0 1 0 0 0 0
   od_do 0 1 0 1 1 0
   od_do 0 1 0 0 1 1
end sub


sub draw_middle_frame
   set color color_frame$
   od_do 0 0 0 0 0 1
   _do 0 1 1
   _do 1 1 1
   _do 1 1 0
   _do 1 0 0
   _do 0 0 0
end sub


sub draw_front_frame
   set color color_frame$
   od_do 1 0 1 0 0 1
   od_do 1 0 1 1 1 1
   od_do 1 0 1 1 0 0
end sub


sub draw_bar_z_zero i j
   project_3D2D (i-1)/mmax (j-1)/mmax z0
   x_1=xgr; y_1=ygr
   project_3D2D (i)/mmax (j-1)/mmax z0
   x_2=xgr; y_2=ygr
   project_3D2D (i)/mmax (j)/mmax z0
   x_3=xgr; y_3=ygr
   project_3D2D (i-1)/mmax (j)/mmax z0
   x_4=xgr; y_4=ygr
   begin path fill col_T$ stroke
      amove x_1 y_1
      aline x_2 y_2
      aline x_3 y_3
      aline x_4 y_4
   end path
end sub


sub draw_bar_z_up i j z
   project_3D2D (i-1)/mmax (j-1)/mmax z
   x_1=xgr; y_1=ygr
   project_3D2D (i)/mmax (j-1)/mmax z
   x_2=xgr; y_2=ygr
   project_3D2D (i)/mmax (j)/mmax z
   x_3=xgr; y_3=ygr
   project_3D2D (i-1)/mmax (j)/mmax z
   x_4=xgr; y_4=ygr
   project_3D2D (i-1)/mmax (j-1)/mmax z0
   x_01=xgr; y_01=ygr
   project_3D2D (i)/mmax (j-1)/mmax z0
   x_02=xgr; y_02=ygr
   project_3D2D (i)/mmax (j)/mmax z0
   x_03=xgr; y_03=ygr
   begin path fill col_T$ stroke
      amove x_1 y_1
      aline x_2 y_2
      aline x_3 y_3
      aline x_4 y_4
   end path
   begin path fill col_L$ stroke
      amove x_1 y_1
      aline x_01 y_01
      aline x_02 y_02
      aline x_2 y_2
   end path
   begin path fill col_R$ stroke
      amove x_2 y_2
      aline x_02 y_02
      aline x_03 y_03
      aline x_3 y_3
   end path
end sub


sub draw_bar_z_down i j z
   project_3D2D (i-1)/mmax (j-1)/mmax z
   x_1=xgr; y_1=ygr
   project_3D2D (i)/mmax (j-1)/mmax z
   x_2=xgr; y_2=ygr
   project_3D2D (i)/mmax (j)/mmax z
   x_3=xgr; y_3=ygr
   project_3D2D (i-1)/mmax (j)/mmax z
   x_4=xgr; y_4=ygr

   project_3D2D (i-1)/mmax (j-1)/mmax z0
   x_01=xgr; y_01=ygr
   project_3D2D (i)/mmax (j-1)/mmax z0
   x_02=xgr; y_02=ygr
   project_3D2D (i)/mmax (j)/mmax z0
   x_03=xgr; y_03=ygr
   project_3D2D (i-1)/mmax (j)/mmax z0
   x_04=xgr; y_04=ygr

   begin clip
      begin path clip
         amove x_01 y_01
         aline x_02 y_02
         aline x_03 y_03
         aline x_04 y_04
      end path
      begin path fill col_T$ stroke
         amove x_1 y_1
         aline x_2 y_2
         aline x_3 y_3
         aline x_4 y_4
      end path
      begin path fill col_BL$ stroke
         amove x_1 y_1
         aline x_01 y_01
         aline x_04 y_04
         aline x_4 y_4
      end path
      begin path fill col_BR$ stroke
         amove x_4 y_4
         aline x_04 y_04
         aline x_03 y_03
         aline x_3 y_3
      end path
   end clip
   begin path fill col_L$ stroke
      amove x_1 y_1
      aline x_01 y_01
      aline x_02 y_02
      aline x_2 y_2
   end path
   begin path fill col_R$ stroke
      amove x_2 y_2
      aline x_02 y_02
      aline x_03 y_03
      aline x_3 y_3
   end path
end sub


sub normalize_z zvalue       !zvalue  (0 , 1)
   local vys
   if (zvalue<dmin) then
   else if (zvalue>dmax) then
   end if
   return vys
end sub


sub normalize_z0 zvalue       !zvalue  (0 , 1)
   local vys
   return vys
end sub


sub draw_bar_z i j zvalue
   if (z>z0) then
      draw_bar_z_up i j z
   else if (z<z0) then
      draw_bar_z_down i j z
      draw_bar_z_zero i j
   end if
end sub


sub draw_matrix_row k l
   local h
   fread vstup h
   if (l<mmax) then
      draw_matrix_row k l+1
   end if
   draw_bar_z k l h
end sub


sub draw_z_ticks h1 h2 h3
   for k=0 to kk
      !@od_do 0 0 z -.03 -.03 z
      !@project_3D2D -.07 -.07 z
      !  amove xgr ygr+.05
      project_3D2D 0 0 z
      amove xgr ygr
      rline -.2 0
      rmove -.35 0
      if (formatz$="") then
          if (abs(zvalue)<1e-5) then
             write 0
             write zvalue
          end if
         write format$(zvalue,formatz$)
      end if
   next k
end sub


sub draw_xy_ticks
   for k=0 to mmax-1
      od_do pom 0 0 pom -.05 0
      od_do 1 pom 0 1.05 pom 0
   next k
end sub


sub draw_xy_ticks2 po
   for k=0 to mmax-1
      local pom=(k+.5)/mmax
      if ((k%po)=0) then
         od_do pom 0 0 pom -.05 0
         od_do 1 pom 0 1.05 pom 0
         od_do pom 0 0 pom -.03 0
         od_do 1 pom 0 1.03 pom 0
      end if
   next k
end sub


sub label_x i txt$
   project_3D2D (i-.5)/mmax -.2 0
   amove xgr ygr
   begin rotate ux
      write txt$
   end rotate
end sub


sub label_y i txt$
   project_3D2D 1.15 (i-.5)/mmax 0
   amove xgr ygr
   begin rotate uy
      write txt$
   end rotate
end sub


sub draw_bar_graph_3d f$
   fopen f$ vstup read
   for k = 1 to mmax
      draw_matrix_row k 1
   next k
   fclose vstup
end sub


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