GLE Example:

[PDF file]


size 12 8

include ""

set font texcmr

amove 0 0.3
begin graph
   title "Chart 1"
   x2axis off
   y2axis off
   yside off
   yaxis grid
   yticks color gray
   xside color gray
   ysubticks off
   xaxis min 0 max 2
   xnoticks 2
   let d1 = x^2
   let d2 = x^2/2
   key pos bc compact offset 0 -0.6 nobox
   d1 line marker wdiamond mdist 1 color steelblue lwidth 0.05 key "Method 1"
   key separator
   d2 line marker wcircle msize 0.3 mdist 1 color green lwidth 0.05 key "Method 2" 
   begin layer 150
      draw graph_shaded_background from 0.7 to 1.0
   end layer
end graph


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