GLE Library:
! Subroutines for drawing graphs sub graph_line x1 y1 x2 y2 ! Function to draw a line on a graph ! x1, y2 = start point ! x2, y2 = end point default x1 xgmin default y1 ygmin default x2 xgmax default y2 ygmax amove xg(x1) yg(y1) aline xg(x2) yg(y2) end sub sub graph_hline y x1 x2 ! Function to draw a horizontal line on a graph ! y = y-point of line ! x1, x2 = range of line default x1 xgmin default x2 xgmax amove xg(x1) yg(y) aline xg(x2) yg(y) end sub sub graph_vline x y1 y2 ! Function to draw a vertical line on a graph ! x = x-point of line ! y1, y2 = range of line default y1 ygmin default y2 ygmax amove xg(x) yg(y1) aline xg(x) yg(y2) end sub sub invxg x local s = (xg(xgmax)-xg(xgmin))/(xgmax - xgmin) return (x - xg(xgmin) + s*xgmin)/s end sub sub invyg y local s = (yg(ygmax)-yg(ygmin))/(ygmax - ygmin) return (y - yg(ygmin) + s*ygmin)/s end sub sub graph_textbox xp yp label$ dx dy add default dx 0 default dy 0 default xp xgmin default yp ygmin default add 0.1 amove xg(xp)+dx+add yg(yp)+dy+add begin box add add fill white write label$ end box end sub sub graph_text xp yp label$ dx dy default dx 0 default dy 0 default xp xgmin default yp ygmin amove xg(xp)+dx yg(yp)+dy write label$ end sub sub graph_del wd sca ! Function returning the offset of the drawing area of a graph ! wd = width of the graph ! sca = hscale parameter of the graph return (wd-wd*sca)/2 end sub sub graph_select wd hi hsc vsc xmn xmx ymn ymx ! Initialize graph variables and functions such as xg() and yg() ! wd = width of graph ! hi = height of graph ! hsc = hscale parameter of graph ! vsc = vscale parameter of graph ! xmn, xmx = minimum and maximum xaxis value ! ymn, ymx = minimum and maximum yaxis value begin graph size wd hi nobox hscale hsc vscale vsc xaxis min xmn max xmx off yaxis min ymn max ymx off end graph graphx = xpos() graphy = ypos() end sub sub graph_hgrid nb color$ ! Function to draw an horizontal equidistant grid on a graph ! (use 'under graph_hgrid 5 "red"' in your graph block) ! nb = number of lines in grid ! color$ = color for grid lines gsave local i set color color$ for i = 1 to nb local yp = yg(ygmin+(ygmax-ygmin)/(nb+1)*i) amove xg(xgmin) yp aline xg(xgmax) yp next i grestore end sub sub graph_vgrid nb color$ ! Function to draw a vertical equidistant grid on a graph ! (use 'under graph_vgrid 5 "red"' in your graph block) ! nb = number of lines in grid ! color$ = color for grid lines gsave local i set color color$ for i = 1 to nb local xp = xg(xgmin+(xgmax-xgmin)/(nb+1)*i) amove xp yg(ygmin) aline xp yg(ygmax) next i grestore end sub sub graph_grid nbh nbv color$ ! Function to draw an equidistant grid on a graph ! (use 'under graph_grid 5 "red"' in your graph block) ! nb = number of lines in grid ! color$ = color for grid lines graph_hgrid nbh color$ graph_vgrid nbv color$ end sub sub graph_origin ! Go to the origin of a graph selected with selectgraph amove graphx graphy end sub sub graph_zeroaxis style color$ gsave tickw = 0.3*0.3+0.1 set lstyle style color color$ amove xg(xgmin)+tickw yg(0) aline xg(xgmax)-tickw yg(0) amove xg(0) yg(ygmin)+tickw aline xg(0) yg(ygmax)-tickw grestore end sub sub graph_print_inv x y print "xg("+format$(invxg(x),"fix 2")+") yg("+format$(invyg(y),"fix 2")+")" end sub sub dmaxx ds$ ! Function to compute the maximum x-value of a dataset local i local crmax = dataxvalue(ds$,1) for i = 2 to ndata(ds$) crmax = max(crmax, dataxvalue(ds$,i)) next i return crmax end sub sub dmaxy ds$ ! Function to compute the maximum y-value of a dataset local i local crmax = datayvalue(ds$,1) for i = 2 to ndata(ds$) crmax = max(crmax, datayvalue(ds$,i)) next i return crmax end sub sub dminx ds$ ! Function to compute the minimum x-value of a dataset local i local crmin = dataxvalue(ds$,1) for i = 2 to ndata(ds$) crmin = min(crmin, dataxvalue(ds$,i)) next i return crmin end sub sub dminy ds$ ! Function to compute the minimum y-value of a dataset local i local crmin = datayvalue(ds$,1) for i = 2 to ndata(ds$) crmin = min(crmin, datayvalue(ds$,i)) next i return crmin end sub sub dmeany ds$ ! Function to compute the mean y-value of a dataset local i local sum = 0 for i = 1 to ndata(ds$) sum = sum + datayvalue(ds$,i) next i return sum/ndata(ds$) end sub sub darea ds$ ! Function to compute the area between a dataset and the x-axis local i local area = 0 local prev_x = dataxvalue(ds$,1) local prev_y = datayvalue(ds$,1) for i = 2 to ndata(ds$) local x = dataxvalue(ds$,i) local y = datayvalue(ds$,i) area = area + (x-prev_x)*(prev_y+y)/2 prev_x = x; prev_y = y next i return area end sub sub dmeany_x d$ x ! compute average y-value for given x-value x for dataset d$ local i local nb_y = 0 local sum_y = 0 for i = 1 to ndata(d$) if dataxvalue(d$,i) = x then nb_y = nb_y + 1 sum_y = sum_y + datayvalue(d$,i) end if next i return sum_y / nb_y end sub sub derry_up_x d$ x ! compute maximum upward deviation from the mean y-value local i local max_err = -1e300 local mean = dmeany_x(d$, x) for i = 1 to ndata(d$) if dataxvalue(d$,i) = x then max_err = max(max_err, datayvalue(d$,i)-mean) end if next i return max_err end sub sub derry_down_x d$ x ! compute maximum downward deviation from the mean y-value local i local max_err = -1e300 local mean = dmeany_x(d$, x) for i = 1 to ndata(d$) if dataxvalue(d$,i) = x then max_err = max(max_err, mean-datayvalue(d$,i)) end if next i return max_err end sub sub bar_draw_error_interval bar xval yval error ! Function to draw an error interval on a bar dataset with multiple bars amove xbar(xval,bar)-0.1 yg(yval+error) aline xbar(xval,bar)+0.1 yg(yval+error) amove xbar(xval,bar) yg(yval+error) aline xbar(xval,bar) yg(yval-error) amove xbar(xval,bar)-0.1 yg(yval-error) aline xbar(xval,bar)+0.1 yg(yval-error) end sub sub bar_draw_error_intervals data$ err$ bar ! Function to draw error intervals on a bar dataset with multiple bars ! E.g., ! ! begin graph ! data "mydata.csv" ! bar d1,d3 fill grey50,grey20 ! end graph ! ! bar_draw_error_intervals "d1" "d2" 1 ! bar_draw_error_intervals "d3" "d4" 2 local nb = ndata(data$) for i = 1 to nb local xval = dataxvalue(data$,i) local yval = datayvalue(data$,i) local error = datayvalue(err$,i) bar_draw_error_interval bar xval yval error next i end sub
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