GLE Example:

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size 14 9

include ""

f0 = 467300.42; flock = 460000; frock = 476000

sub adler x f
   return abs(f0-x)*sqrt(1-((f-f0)/(x-f0))^2)
end sub

sub graph_hairlines
   set lstyle 6 just lc
   graph_vline f0
   graph_text f0 15000 label "f_0" dx 0.1
   set lstyle 4
   graph_hline 0
end sub

set font texcmr
begin graph
   scale  auto
   xtitle "modulation frequency f_d [kHz]"
   ytitle "beat frequency F [kHz]"
   data   "f-f2.dat"
   xaxis min 438000 max 496000
   yaxis min -1000  max 30000
   xnames 440 450 460 470 480 490
   ynames 0   5   10  15  20  25  30
   let d10 = adler(x,flock) to flock step 10
   let d11 = adler(x,frock) from frock step 10
   d7  marker fcircle msize 0.35 color red
   d6  line lstyle 2
   d10 line lstyle 1
   d11 line lstyle 1
   draw graph_hairlines
end graph

begin key
  pos tc
  line lstyle 1 text "F = F_0 (1 - (F_{0c}/F_0)^2 )^{1/2}"
  line lstyle 2 text "conventional beat frequency"
end key


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