GLE Example:
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size 10 8 include "" sub plotone x0 y0 cnt amove xg(x0) yg(y0) for i = 0 to cnt x0 = x0+y0*dt y0 = y0+(y0*(1-x0^2)-x0)*dt if (x0<-3) or (x0>3) or (y0<-3) or (y0>3) then i = cnt end if aline xg(x0) yg(y0) next i end sub sub plotall dt = 0.05 set color gray40 graph_line 0 -3 0 3 graph_line -3 0 3 0 set color rgb255(38,38,134) plotone -0.25 0 250 plotone -0.1 0 250 plotone 0.1 0 250 plotone 0.25 0 250 for j=0 to 3 plotone -3 j 100 plotone 3 -j 100 next j for j=-3 to 3 step 0.25 plotone -j 3 100 plotone j -3 100 next j end sub set texlabels 1 begin graph scale auto title "2D differential equation" xtitle "$x$" ytitle "$y$" xaxis min -3 max +3 yaxis min -3 max +3 draw plotall end graph begin object key begin box add 0.1 fill white begin tex $\left\{ \begin{array}{l} \frac{dx}{dt}=y\vspace{0.2cm}\\ \frac{dy}{dt}=-x+y(1-x^2) \end{array} \right.$ end tex end box end object amove xg(xgmax) yg(ygmin) draw
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