Polar Plots
size 12 12
include "polarplot.gle"
set font texcmr
begin graph
scale auto
title "r = cos(2\theta)"
xaxis min -1.1 max 1.1
yaxis min -1.1 max 1.1
draw polar "cos(2*t)" from 0 to 2*pi fill wheat
end graph
size 8 8
include "shape.gle"
set hei 0.35 arrowangle 25 arrowsize 0.2 font texcmr
begin graph
scale 0.85 0.85 math
xaxis min -1.1 max 1.1
yaxis min -1.1 max 1.1
y2axis on offset 1 symticks
xlabels off
ylabels off
y2labels off
xnoticks -1 1
ynoticks -1 1
y2noticks 0
end graph
radius = xg(1)-xg(0)
amove xg(0) yg(0)
circle radius
arc radius/3 0 45 arrow both
amove xg(0) yg(0)
xp = xg(cos(torad(45)))
yp = yg(sin(torad(45)))
yt = yg(tan(torad(45)))
aline xg(1) yt
amove xp yp
aline xg(0) yp
amove xp yp
aline xp yg(0)
curly_bracket xp yg(0) xg(0) yg(0) 0.2
curly_bracket xg(0) yg(0) xg(0) yp 0.2
curly_bracket xg(1) yt xg(1) yg(0) 0.2
line_label xg(0) yg(0) xp yp "r" 0.1
line_label xg(0) yg(0) xp yg(0) "r\cdot cos \theta" -0.5
line_label xg(0) yg(0) xg(0) yp "r\cdot sin \theta" 0.5
line_label xg(1) yg(0) xg(1) yt "r\cdot tan \theta" -0.5
set just cc
amove xg(0.425*cos(torad(45/2))) yg(0.425*sin(torad(45/2)))
write "\theta"
size 8 8
include "polarplot.gle"
set font texcmr
begin graph
scale auto
title "r = 2cos(3\theta)"
xaxis min -2 max 2
yaxis min -2 max 2
x2axis off
y2axis off
draw polar_grid radius 2 rings 4 sectors 24
draw polar "2*cos(3*t)" from 0 to pi color red fill thistle lwidth 0.04
end graph
size 21 20
include "polarplot.gle"
set font texcmr
sub draw_histogram dataset$ series scale color$ key$ title$
set hei 0.5
begin graph
size 10 10
scale 0.75 0.75
title title$ hei 0.8
xaxis min -1/scale max 1/scale
yaxis min -1/scale max 1/scale
xtitle "Angle [deg]"
xlabels off
ytitle "Frequency [a.u.]"
xticks off
yticks off
data "0018-CMT.hist" d1=c1,c[series]
draw polar_grid radius 1/scale rings 4/scale sectors 24
draw polar_data d1 color color$ type line
end graph
begin key
position tr
fill color$ text key$
end key
end sub
amove 1 10
draw_histogram dataset$ 4 scale 1 color red key "Chi1" title "0018-CMT"
amove 11 10
draw_histogram dataset$ 5 scale 2 color darkgreen key "Chi2" title "0018-CMT"
amove 1 0
draw_histogram dataset$ 7 scale 2 color purple key "Chi4" title "0018-CMT"
amove 11 0
draw_histogram dataset$ 8 scale 2 color mediumblue key "Chi5" title "0018-CMT"