! Example of polar plot. ! Author: Francois Tonneau ! Compile this script with the -cairo option. ! Plot design after: https://texample.net/polar-plot/ size 8 8 include pole.gle set font texcmr hei 0.3 wheelcenter pagewidth()/2 pageheight()/2 wheeldims 0 3 wheelvalues 0 4 set color gray10 join round drawrays from 0 to 360 by 180/16 drawrings from 0.5 to 3.5 set color gray90 ticklength 0.15 drawrays from 0 to 315 drawticks from 0 to 315 drawsomerings 1 2 3 4 4.08 tagstyle xoffset -0.05 yoffset 0.15 just cr writetags at 45 from 1 to 4 labelstyle dist 0.5 angleformat "pi" writeangles from 0 to 2*pi by pi/4 no last drawpolareq "2 - 2 * sin(t)" from -pi/2 to pi/2 color lightcoral & fill rgba255(195, 70, 70, 120) drawpolareq "2 - 2 * sin(t)" from 0 to 2*pi color brown lwidth 0.03 amove 6 7.5 write "r = 2 - 2 sin \theta"