GLE Library:

! Subroutines to draw a pie wedge between two supplied angles 

sub pie ang1 ang2 radius colour$ 
   ! draw pie wedge between ang1 and ang2
   ! radius.... the radius
   ! colour$... the fill color of the wedge
   begin path fill colour$ stroke
   rmove 0 0                       !The rmove command is neccesary to set
   arc radius ang1 ang2            !the beginning of the path
   end path 
end sub

sub pie_text ang1 ang2 radius colour$ label$
   !sub pie - Subroutine to draw a coloured pie wedge
   !          between two supplied angles
   !          with a key and a label
   ! draw pie wedge between ang1 and ang2
   ! radius.... the radius
   ! colour$... the fill color of the wedge
   ! label$ ... te text you want to display
   begin path fill colour$ stroke
   rmove 0 0                 !The rmove command is neccesary to set
   arc radius ang1 ang2      !the beginning of the path
   end path

   ! put text in center of pie
   set just cc
   ang = ang1+(ang2-ang1)/2
   rmove (radius/2)*cos(torad(ang)) (radius/2)*sin(torad(ang))
   write label$

end sub


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