GLE Library:

! Color subroutines

palette_shade_gray_fade = 0.4

sub color_range_horizontal zmin zmax zstep palette$ width height format$ pixels
! draws a horizontal color range
   default zstep   1
   default palette "color"
   default width   xg(xgmax)-xg(xgmin)
   default height  0.25
   default format  "fix 0"
   default pixels  -1
   if pixels = -1 then
      pixels = (zmax-zmin)/zstep
   end if
   begin box name cmap
      if palette$ = "gray" then
         colormap "x" 0 1 0 1 pixels 1 width height
      else if palette$ = "color" then
         colormap "x" 0 1 0 1 pixels 1 width height color
         colormap "x" 0 1 0 1 pixels 1 width height palette palette$
      end if
   end box
   set just tc
   local xp = zmin
   while xp <= zmax
      amove pointx(*width pointy(cmap.bc)
      rline 0 -height/3; rmove 0 -height/3; write format$(xp, format$)
      xp = xp + zstep
end sub

sub color_range_vertical zmin zmax zstep palette$ width height format$ pixels
! draws a vertical color range
   default zstep   1
   default palette "color"
   default width   0.25
   default height  yg(ygmax)-yg(ygmin)
   default format  "fix 0"
   default pixels  -1
   if pixels = -1 then
      pixels = (zmax-zmin)/zstep
   end if
   begin box name cmap
      if palette$ = "gray" then
         colormap "y" 0 1 0 1 1 pixels width height
      else if palette$ = "color" then
         colormap "y" 0 1 0 1 1 pixels width height color
         colormap "y" 0 1 0 1 1 pixels width height palette palette$
      end if
   end box
   set just lc
   local xp = zmin
   while xp <= zmax
      amove pointx(cmap.rc) pointy(cmap.bc)+(xp-zmin)/(zmax-zmin)*height
      rline width/3 0; rmove width/3 0; write format$(xp, format$)
      xp = xp + zstep
end sub

sub palette_blue_white_red z
   ! a custom palette ranging from blue over white to red
   local r = 0
   local g = 0
   local b = 0
   ! RED
   if (z > 0.25) and (z <= 0.50) then r = (z-0.25)*4
   if (z > 0.50) and (z <= 0.75) then r = 1
   if (z > 0.75)                 then r = 1-(123/255)*4*(z-0.75)
   ! GREEN
   if (z > 0.25) and (z <= 0.50) then g = (z-0.25)*4
   if (z > 0.50) and (z <= 0.75) then g = 1-4*(z-0.5)
   if (z > 0.75)                 then g = 0
   ! BLUE
   if (z <= 0.25)                 then b = 132/255+(123/255)*4*z
   if (z >  0.25) and (z <= 0.50) then b = 1
   if (z >  0.50) and (z <= 0.75) then b = 1-4*(z-0.5)
   if (z >  0.75)                 then b = 0
   return rgb(r,g,b)
end sub

sub palette_blue_purple_red z
   ! a custom palette ranging from blue over purple to red
   return rgb(z,0,1-z)
end sub

sub set_palette_shade_gray_fade fade
	palette_shade_gray_fade = fade
end sub

sub sgp_color z x
  local y = palette_shade_gray_fade ! set to 0 to fade completely white, 1 no fade at all
  return (z*(1-y)+y)*(x/255-1)+1 ! the final +1 hard codes this to fade to white
end sub

sub palette_shade_gray z r g b
  ! r, g, b is the color of the gradient which will fade towards white
  return rgb(sgp_color(z,r), sgp_color(z,g), sgp_color(z,b))
end sub


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