Common subroutines for laying-out STM images
By: Vincent P. LaBella
sub scale_bar llength texth a$ lx ly ap$ line_width text_offset fillpattern$ boxit x_buffer y_buffer
draws a scale bar with text over it
llenght ........ line length
a$.............. text
texth........... texht height
lx.............. x coordinate of box
ly.............. y coordinate of box
ap$............. anchor point (tl,tc,tr,lc,cc,rc,bl,bc,br)
line_width ..... width of line
text_offset .... offset of text from line
fillpattern$.... background
boxit........... =1 draws a black box=0 no box is drawn
x_buffer........ distance on both ends from line to box
y_buffer........ distance on top and bottom
draws and axis x and y and lables it called by axis_box
sub axis_box lx ly textx$ texty$ angle xoffset yoffset axis_length ap$ boxit fgcolor$ bgcolor$ txtcolor$ text_height text_offset
draws a box and puts two axis 90 deg apart and lables them as you want
lx,ly........location of box
textx$.......text to put on x axis
texty$.......text to put on y axis
angle........axis is rotated
xoffset......location of origin relative to corner of box
yoffset......""""""" """ """ """
axis_length..length of axis
ap$..........anchor point (does not work yet puts it at lower left
boxit........1 draws box 0 no box
text_offset....offset of text from axis
sub axis_boxr lx ly textx$ texty$ angle xoffset yoffset axis_length ap$ boxit fgcolor$ bgcolor$ txtcolor$ text_height text_offset
draws a box and puts two axis 90 deg apart and lables them as you want
lx,ly........location of box
textx$.......text to put on x axis
texty$.......text to put on y axis
angle........axis is rotated
xoffset......location of origin relative to corner of box
yoffset......""""""" """ """ """
axis_length..length of axis
ap$..........anchor point (does not work yet puts it at lower left
boxit........1 draws box 0 no box
text_offset....offset of text from axis