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Subroutines to draw various shapes

sub set_shape_use_tex use
sub set_shape_color_2 color$
sub set_shadow_color color$
sub set_shape_dxdy dx dy
sub rootnode xp yp width height name$
sub drawnode width height name$ type
sub binchilds par$ c1$ c2$ width height ydel xdel l1 l2
sub pmove d a
sub jointo n$
sub set_angle_just angle
sub virtual_box x1 y1 x2 y2 name$
sub line_label x1 y1 x2 y2 str$ dist offset
sub join_label a$ dir$ b$ label$ deltax deltay ldist loffset offsetx offsety
sub join_label_rel a$ dir$ relx rely label$ deltax deltay ldist loffset offsetx offsety name$ reverse
sub measure_line a$ dir$ b$ label$ ldist loffset offsetx offsety linelen linepos side showa showb
sub measure_line_rel a$ dir$ relx rely label$ ldist loffset offsetx offsety linelen linepos side showa showb reverse
sub arrow_label xp yp label$ dist angle
sub curly_bracket x1 y1 x2 y2 r
sub labeled_circle label$ radius lradius langle name$ lcolor$