Subroutines and definitions to draw figures in "arbitrary" units
Definitions of colors distinguishable by color blinds
Subroutines for positioning labels left/right/centered to a given point
Start the first line of your gle file with
include ""
Modify the value of the variable finalsize (see line 31)
according to your needs; this variable gives the size of
your figure after inclusion into your text document
Replace dimensions (and colors) in your main gle file; f.e.
set hei tinyhei
set lwidth lnwidth
set color blue$
xtitle "ABC" hei charhei
xaxis hei charhei
xside lwidth lnwidth
xticks lwidth lnwidth length ldwidth
d1 line lwidth lswidth color red$
Enjoy ``correct'' line widths and font sizes in your figure
after inclusion into your text document
Default paper format: DIN A4 landscape
but final figure should have a width of
************ *****
(without compensation for the default "scale 0.7 0.7")
In: val Value in units
unit$ unit
Returns: val*factor
Font sizes
as recommended by most publishers
smallest font: 6 point; largest font: 12 point
Thickness of lines
Colors for color blinds
PostScript AvantGarde Demi
labeling centered to x,y labeling ends at x,y labeling starts at x,yLaTeX
set texlabels 1 ! see manual, chapter 7.2