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Subroutines for drawing graphs

sub graph_line x1 y1 x2 y2
sub graph_hline y x1 x2
sub graph_vline x y1 y2
sub invxg x
sub invyg y
sub graph_textbox xp yp label$ dx dy add
sub graph_text xp yp label$ dx dy
sub graph_del wd sca
sub graph_select wd hi hsc vsc xmn xmx ymn ymx
sub graph_hgrid nb color$
sub graph_vgrid nb color$
sub graph_grid nbh nbv color$
sub graph_origin
sub graph_zeroaxis style color$
sub graph_print_inv x y
sub dmaxx ds$
sub dmaxy ds$
sub dminx ds$
sub dminy ds$
sub dmeany ds$
sub darea ds$
sub dmeany_x d$ x
sub derry_up_x d$ x
sub derry_down_x d$ x
sub bar_draw_error_interval bar xval yval error
sub bar_draw_error_intervals data$ err$ bar
sub boxplot ds0 bwidth msize
sub draw_box_plot ds0
sub energylevel ds$ factor color$
sub graph_shaded_background from to pixels
sub autocolor dn