Drawing Feynman diagrams, version 1.1.3
variable names beginning with F are reserved for internal use
straight line | arc
fr - -1 | radius
fx,fy - initial point | center
fa - slope | slope: center->initial
fl - length | angle length
fc - | +1 - counterclockwise
fsx,fsy - | starting point for Feyn2 functions
fxx,fyy - | intermediate points for Feyn2 functions
ffx,ffy - final point
fx1,fy1,... - temporary coordinates
f1,f2,... - temporary variables
fi,fm,fd - for loops
flastl$ - type of last drawn line
fcirc - the arc is a circle
sin table
internal - setup for straight line
+1 counterclockwise-1 clockwise
internal - setup for circle
internal - setup for arc Fermion line from the current point to x,y Fermion line - circle with the center x,y Fermion line from the current point via xx,yy to x,y Double line from the current point to x,y Double line - circle with the center x,y Double line from the current point via xx,yy to x,y DashB>0: the line begins with a dash of the length DashBDashFDashLDashB<0: the line begins with a gap of the length -DashB(1-DashF)DashL
DashE: similarly
Higgs (dashed) line from the current point to x,y
Higgs (dashed) line - circle with the center x,y Higgs (dashed) line from the current point via xx,yy to x,y Vertex at the current point Set color of both lines and filled circles Dotted line from the current point to x,y Dotted line - circle with the center x,y Dotted line from the current point via xx,yy to x,y Vector boson (zigzag) line from the current point to x,y Vector boson (zigzag) line - circle with the center x,y Vector boson (zigzag) line from the current point via xx,yy to x,y Photon line from the current point to x,y Photon line - circle with the center x,y Photon line from the current point via xx,yy to x,y 1 - the ends are "symmetric"-1 - the ends are "different"
Gluon line from the current point to x,y
Gluon line - circle with the center x,y Gluon line from the current point via xx,yy to x,y Arrow on the last line, fraction f from the beginning Redraw the last line Shadows lines below the last line, fraction f from the beginning Arrow for indication of momentum near the last line Double arrow near the last line Arc-shaped arrow for indication of momentum near the last line Arc-shaped double arrow near the last line Shadows lines below the last line, fraction f from the beginning