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Drawing Feynman diagrams, version 1.1.3

variable names beginning with F are reserved for internal use

     straight line | arc

fr - -1 | radius

fx,fy - initial point | center

fa - slope | slope: center->initial

fl - length | angle length

fc - | +1 - counterclockwise

fsx,fsy - | starting point for Feyn2 functions

fxx,fyy - | intermediate points for Feyn2 functions

ffx,ffy - final point

fx1,fy1,... - temporary coordinates

f1,f2,... - temporary variables

fi,fm,fd - for loops

flastl$ - type of last drawn line

fcirc - the arc is a circle

sin table

internal - setup for straight line

sub Feyn x y
+1 counterclockwise

-1 clockwise

internal - setup for circle

sub FeynC x y
internal - setup for arc

sub Feyn2 xx yy x y
Fermion line from the current point to x,y

sub Fermion x y
Fermion line - circle with the center x,y

sub FermionC x y
Fermion line from the current point via xx,yy to x,y

sub Fermion2 xx yy x y
Double line from the current point to x,y

sub Double x y
Double line - circle with the center x,y

sub DoubleC x y
Double line from the current point via xx,yy to x,y

sub Double2 xx yy x y
DashB>0: the line begins with a dash of the length DashBDashFDashL

DashB<0: the line begins with a gap of the length -DashB(1-DashF)DashL

DashE: similarly

Higgs (dashed) line from the current point to x,y

sub Dash x y

sub Dash0
Higgs (dashed) line - circle with the center x,y

sub DashC x y
Higgs (dashed) line from the current point via xx,yy to x,y

sub Dash2 xx yy x y
Vertex at the current point

sub Vert
Set color of both lines and filled circles

sub SetColor col$
Dotted line from the current point to x,y

sub Dots x y

sub Dots0
Dotted line - circle with the center x,y

sub DotsC x y
Dotted line from the current point via xx,yy to x,y

sub Dots2 xx yy x y
Vector boson (zigzag) line from the current point to x,y

sub Zigzag x y

sub Zigzag0
Vector boson (zigzag) line - circle with the center x,y

sub ZigzagC x y
Vector boson (zigzag) line from the current point via xx,yy to x,y

sub Zigzag2 xx yy x y
Photon line from the current point to x,y

sub Photon x y

sub Photon0
Photon line - circle with the center x,y

sub PhotonC x y
Photon line from the current point via xx,yy to x,y

sub Photon2 xx yy x y
1 - the ends are "symmetric"

-1 - the ends are "different"

Gluon line from the current point to x,y

sub Gluon x y

sub Gluon0
Gluon line - circle with the center x,y

sub GluonC x y
Gluon line from the current point via xx,yy to x,y

sub Gluon2 xx yy x y
Arrow on the last line, fraction f from the beginning

sub Arrow f
Redraw the last line

sub Shadow0
Shadows lines below the last line, fraction f from the beginning

sub Shadow f
Arrow for indication of momentum near the last line

sub Mom f
Double arrow near the last line

sub DMom f
Arc-shaped arrow for indication of momentum near the last line

sub Mom2 f
Arc-shaped double arrow near the last line

sub DMom2 f
Shadows lines below the last line, fraction f from the beginning

sub Shadow2 f