! Example of tree-like fractal. ! Author: Francois Tonneau ! This is a slight modification of the recursion-tree example available on GLE ! 4.2.5. We use the GLE rotation command instead of computing coordinates ! manually. size 8 8 set lwidth 0.03 cap round root = 3 maxiters = 10 maxwhite = maxiters + 3 turn = 20 shrinkage = 0.56 sub fork trunk iteration if iteration <= maxiters then set color iteration/maxwhite rline 0 trunk local branch = trunk * shrinkage begin rotate turn fork branch iteration+1 end rotate begin rotate -turn fork branch iteration+1 end rotate else rmove 0 0.1+rnd(0.3) circle 0.03 fill rosybrown end if end sub amove pagewidth()/2 0 fork root iteration 1