! Demo about plot theming. ! Author: Francois Tonneau size 14 11 set font ss ! This plot is identical to the previous one, with the exception of theming. ! *The script won't compile unless the themes.gle library is present, either ! in the same directory or in GLE's custom-library directory, GLE_USRLIB.* include themes.gle amove 2 2 begin graph size 8 8 fullsize xaxis min 4.15 max 8.25 dticks 1 yaxis min 1.75 max 4.50 dticks 0.5 ! The 'seaborn' theme is defined inside themes.gle. seaborn labels color black dist 0.3 hei 0.45 xtitle "Sepal length (mm)" dist 0.5 ytitle "Sepal width (mm)" dist 0.5 data "seaborn.dat" d1=c1,c2 d2=c3,c4 d3=c5,c6 d1 color seaborn_blue$ marker fcircle msize 0.23 d2 color seaborn_orange$ marker fcircle msize 0.23 d3 color seaborn_green$ marker fcircle msize 0.23 let d4 = linfit d1 from 4.3 to 5.8 let d6 = linfit d3 from 4.9 to 7.9 let d5 = linfit d2 from 4.9 to 7.0 begin layer 300 d4 color seaborn_blue$ line lwidth 0.04 d5 color seaborn_orange$ line lwidth 0.04 d6 color seaborn_green$ line lwidth 0.04 end layer end graph set hei 0.45 amove 10.50 8.80 write "Species:" set hei 0.48 lwidth 0.05 begin key absolute 10.30 6.55 nobox llen 0.5 line lwidth 0.04 color seaborn_blue$ marker fcircle msize 0.23 & text "{\it setosa}" line lwidth 0.04 color seaborn_orange$ marker fcircle msize 0.23 & text "{\it versicolor}" line lwidth 0.04 color seaborn_green$ marker fcircle msize 0.23 & text "{\it virginica}" end key ! Done. We have learned about plot theming in GLE.