! Example of rug plot. ! Author: Francois Tonneau include rugs.gle size 14 11.5 set font rm hei 0.5 lwidth 0.03 amove 1 1.5 begin graph size 14 10 xaxis min 1.4 max 5.5 ftick 2 dticks 1 yaxis min 10 max 35 ftick 10 dticks 5 side off ticks off labels dist 0.9 xtitle "Car weight (lb/1000)" hei 0.4 dist 0.6 ytitle "Miles per gallon of fuel" hei 0.4 dist 0.7 data "rugplot.dat" d1 marker dot msize 0.3 end graph ! We add rugs to the plot, using a tick length of 0.3 cm (xrug and yrug also ! accept position and offset parameters, see rugs.gle for details). xrug d1 0.3 yrug d1 0.3