! Example with marginal histograms. ! Author: Francois Tonneau size 14 14 set font ss amove 3 3 ! Main plot. begin graph size 8 8 fullsize axis grid color gray10 labels dist 0.5 color black hei 0.5 xtitle "Minutes until eruption" hei 0.5 dist 0.60 ytitle "Duration in minutes" hei 0.5 dist 0.80 data "margins.dat" d1 marker fcircle color rosybrown msize 0.15 end graph ! We add two marginal plots. The data in each plot are obtained with 'hist'. amove 3 11 begin graph size 8 2 fullsize yaxis min 0 max 50 axis off data "margins.dat" d1=c1,c1 let d2 = hist d1 from 40 to 100 bins 20 bar d2 width 3 color rosybrown fill rosybrown end graph amove 11 3 begin graph size 2 8 fullsize xaxis min 0 max 50 dticks 50 axis off data "margins.dat" d1=c2,c2 let d2 = hist d1 from 1.5 to 5.5 bins 16 bar d2 horiz width 0.25 color rosybrown fill rosybrown end graph ! We conclude with marginal axis decorations. amove 11 11 begin origin set color gray10 aline 0 2 amove 0 0 aline 2 0 set color black rmove 0.2 0 set just lc write 50 amove 0 2.2 set just bc write 50 end origin