! Demo about plotting data from a file. ! Author: Francois Tonneau size 10 8 set font ss ! To plot data in GLE, we use a 'begin graph ... end graph' block. This block ! creates a plot area with customizable axes and titles. Additional commands ! in the graph block allow us to load datasets from a file and to customize ! the display of each dataset. begin graph subticks off xtitle "Percent validity" dist 0.3 ytitle "Estimation" dist 0.3 ! The 'data' command loads datasets from a plain-text file, here the one ! called 'data.dat'. (You should have downloaded this file and copied it in ! your working directory, along with the present script.) In GLE, datasets ! are called d1, d2, d3, etc. Unless told otherwise with the di=cj,ck ... ! syntax, GLE will build dataset ! d1 out of file columns 1 and 2 ! d2 out of file columns 1 and 3 ! d3 out of file columns 1 and 4 ! etc. ! Thus, in our example: data "data.dat" ! is shorthand for 'data data.dat d1=c1,c2 d2=c1,c3 d3=c1,c4'. ! We now plot each of the datasets, specifying line color and width, marker ! type (here, filled circle: 'fcircle'), and marker size ('msize'): d1 line color #cd5c5c lwidth 0.03 marker fcircle msize 0.20 d2 line color #2e8856 lwidth 0.03 marker fcircle msize 0.24 d3 line color #004e58 lwidth 0.03 marker fcircle msize 0.20 ! The 'key' command inserts a legend in the plot. We place the legend at ! the top left ('tl') with offsets of 0.35 and 0.30 cm; 'compact' means ! that the markers and lines in the legend will be superimposed. Because ! the data.dat file has labels on its first row, these are recognized as ! such and inserted in the legend without further ado. key pos tl offset 0.35 0.30 compact nobox end graph ! Done. We have learned about 'begin graph ... end graph' blocks, dataset ! loading, dataset plotting, and legend drawing.