! Example of bumpchart. ! Author: Francois Tonneau size 16 13 include bumps.gle set font ss hei 0.4 color gray70 set just cc amove pagewidth()/2 pageheight()-1 write "Port ranks by volume, years 2004 to 2014" ! Colorize a few categories. guangzhou$ = navy ningbo_z_shan$ = navy tianjin$ = navy hamburg$ = darkred los_angeles$ = darkred long_beach$ = darkred hong_kong$ = olivedrab kaohsiung$ = olivedrab ! Define graph surface. amove 4 2 begin graph size 8 9 fullsize xaxis min 1 max 11 ftick 1 dticks 2 yaxis min 1 max 15 negate side off ticks off labels off xlabels dist 0.5 hei 0.45 xnames 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 end graph ! Draw bumpchart. The bumpchart subroutine is called outside of the graph block ! to avoid clipping on the edges. bumpchart "ports.dat" 1.0 r 0.5 c 0.5 c 1.0 l & dotsize 0.1 dotstyle open linewidth 0.05 overwidth 0.12 textcolor gray70