! Boxplot in Tufte's style. ! Author: Francois Tonneau size 18.5 13 ! We plot the data points in a graph block. amove 3 2 begin graph size 14 10 fullsize xaxis min 4.0 max 6.4 dticks 0.2 yaxis min 10 max 140 ftick 20 dticks 20 nolast side off ticks off xlabels dist 0.7 hei 0.5 ylabels dist 0.7 hei 0.5 data "boxplot.dat" d3 marker dot end graph ! We now add boxplot whiskers. set lwidth 0.03 total = ndata(d1) for num = 1 to total x = dataxvalue(d1, num) y1 = datayvalue(d1, num) y2 = datayvalue(d2, num) y4 = datayvalue(d4, num) y5 = datayvalue(d5, num) amove xg(x) yg(y1) aline xg(x) yg(y2) amove xg(x) yg(y4) aline xg(x) yg(y5) next num ! We end with the plot description. amove xg(4.1) yg(120) set just cl hei 0.45 begin table Number of stations reporting Richter magnitude of Fiji earthquakes ({\it n} = 1000) end table