! Example of bar chart. ! Author: Francois Tonneau size 18 12 set font rm ! We setup a white grid for the y axis, and we plot the data in a low-rank ! layer (< 200) so that the white grid runs over it. begin graph xaxis min 0.5 max 9.5 ftick 1 dticks 1 yaxis min -0.1 max 6 ftick 1 dticks 1 nolast grid color white lwidth 0.06 side off xticks off xlabels hei 0.4 ylabels hei 0.5 xnames & afraid ashamed guilty hostile irritable jittery nervous scared upset data "barchart.dat" begin layer 150 bar d1 width 0.35 fill rosybrown color white end layer end graph amove xg(1) 8.75 set color black hei 0.4 just bl begin text Average scores on negative emotion traits from 3896 participants (Watson et al., 1988) end text