GLE Example:

[PDF file]


! ellispes - demo of new elliptical arc functions with arrows
size 15 15

amove 15/4 15/4
elliptical_arc 3 1 0 90
set color GREEN
elliptical_arc 3 1 270 360
set color BLACK
rline -0.5 -0.5

elliptical_arc 3 1 180 260

set color red
elliptical_arc 3 1 100 180

! bugs arrow move current position from center fix it
! elliptical narcs and cricular narcs have arrows backwards

set color black
amove 3*15/4 15/4
elliptical_arc 3 1 30 60 arrow end
set color blue
elliptical_arc 3 1 30 60 
rmove -0.5 -0.5
set color blue
elliptical_narc 3 1 30 60 arrow end
set color black
elliptical_narc 3 1 30 60

rmove -1 -1

set color black

elliptical_arc 3 1 30 60 arrow start
set color blue
elliptical_arc 3 1 30 60 
rmove -0.5 -0.5
set color blue
elliptical_narc 3 1 30 60 arrow start
set color black
elliptical_narc 3 1 30 60

!elliptical_arc 3 1 100 150 arrow start
!elliptical_arc 3 1 200 270 arrow both

!elliptical_narc 3 1 100 150 arrow start
!elliptical_narc 3 1 200 270 arrow both

amove 3*15/4 3*15/4

arc 3  30 60 arrow end
set color blue
arc 3  30 60 
rmove -0.5 -0.5
set color blue
narc 3  30 60 arrow end
set color black
narc 3  30 60

rmove -1 -1

set color black

arc 3  30 60 arrow start
set color blue
arc 3  30 60 
rmove -0.5 -0.5
set color blue
narc 3  30 60 arrow start
set color black
narc 3  30 60

amove 15/4 3*15/4

set color red
for i=0 to 360-stp STEP stp
	begin rotate i
	elliptical_arc 3 0.5 0 90 arrow both
	end rotate

next i

set color black
amove 15/2 15/2
set just cc
set font ss
set hei 0.5

txt$="fun with GLE elliptical arcs"
ellipse 3.0*TWIDTH(txt$) 1.5*THEIGHT(txt$) fill BLACK
set lwidth 0.1
set color YELLOW
elliptical_arc 3.0*TWIDTH(txt$) 1.5*THEIGHT(txt$) 0 90
set color RED
elliptical_arc 3.0*TWIDTH(txt$) 1.5*THEIGHT(txt$) 90 180
set color GREEN
elliptical_arc 3.0*TWIDTH(txt$) 1.5*THEIGHT(txt$) 180 270
set color BLUE
elliptical_arc 3.0*TWIDTH(txt$) 1.5*THEIGHT(txt$) 270 360

set color white
write txt$


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