GLE Example:

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size 12 6

! Illustrates curved arrows on circle arcs, ellipse arcs, and bezier curves

set lwidth 0.05 arrowangle 18 arrowsize 0.5 arrowstyle empty arrowtip round

amove 6 3
elliptical_arc 5.5 2.5 90  180
elliptical_arc 5.5 2.5 270 360

amove 0  3
aline 12 3
amove 6  0
aline 6  6

set color red
amove 6 3
elliptical_arc 5.5 2.5 0   90  arrow both
elliptical_arc 5.5 2.5 180 270 arrow both

amove 6 3
arc 1.5 90  180
arc 1.5 270 360
set color black arrowstyle filled
arc 1.5 0   90  arrow both
arc 1.5 180 270 arrow both

set color blue
amove 2.5 3
aline 6   1 curve -48 180 2 2
amove 9.5 3
aline 6   5 curve 135 0 2 2

set color black arrowstyle simple
amove 6   5
aline 2.5 3 curve 180 135 2 2 arrow both
amove 6   1
aline 9.5 3 curve 0 -45 2 2 arrow both


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