GLE Example:

[PDF file]


papersize a4paper
size 21.0 29.7

! this gle script produces 10 business cards on an A4 sheet
! Use any good paper, photo or board. 
! Not aligned to pre-perforated sheets !!!!
! use the arrow marks to align guillotine.
! for accurate sizing, set printer to NO PAGE SCALING
!  If you want border enable the  : box  card_width card_height  code below
!    author: emile                
!    march 2010.

!       modify the fields below with your details.

name$ =         "Your Name"
mobile$ =       "+99 0411 111 111"
telephone$ =    "+99 123456789"
title$ =        "Electronics Engineer"
post_nominals$ ="B.Eng. MBA"
email$ =        "Your\"    !note escape for underscore
jobs1$ =        "Sales Electronics"
jobs2$ =        "Project management"
Website$ =      ""
Company$ =      "Universal Electronics LLC"
Street$ =       "123 Looooong Street"
City$ =         "BigTown, 12345"
Country$ =      "Australia"

!--- choose yor font here
set font ssb        ! psagb pshn psncsr  psagb  sets global font; these fonts work ok

!slightly modify font heights here.  Values are in cm
name_height = 0.55             !  
info_height = 0.32            !  corner texts
qualifications_height = 0.35  !  appears under name

margin_offset = 1.15              ! cm ;   used to set left and bottom margin

!============== Modify below at own risk 0.01 cm allowed for offcut
paper_width =       21.0    ! A4 sheer
paper_height =      29.7
card_width =        9.01             ! cm    
card_height =       5.11             ! cm  This is slightly smaller than some.

gutter = 0   ! do not change , use only if you want to have gap between cards,
sub card   
 begin origin 
 amove 0 0

!  ============= Optional box  border ===============================
!  set lwidth 0.18
!  box  card_width card_height
!  if you want to have a border  convert the above comment to script, remove the !
 set color black

  !---- write name, title, qualifications
 set hei   name_height
 set just bc
 amove    card_width/2 card_height/2+0.2
 write name$
 set just tc
 amove    card_width/2 ((card_height/2)-qualifications_height+0.2)
 set hei    qualifications_height
 write title$
 set just tc
 amove    card_width/2 ((card_height/2)-2.15*qualifications_height+0.2)
 set hei    qualifications_height
 write post_nominals$

 !=================== write contacts ===========================
 set just tr
 amove    card_width*0.95 (card_height*0.95)
 set hei    info_height
 write "Cell: "  mobile$
 set just tr
 amove    card_width*0.95 (card_height*0.95- (info_height*1.24 ))
 set hei   info_height
 write "Tel: "  telephone$
 set just tr
 amove    card_width*0.95 (card_height*0.95- 2*(info_height*1.24))
 set hei    info_height
 write "Email: "  email$

 !=================== write address ===========================
 set just tl
 amove    card_width*0.05 (card_height*0.95)
 set hei   info_height
 write   Street$
 set just tl
 amove    card_width*0.05 (card_height*0.95-( info_height*1.24))
 set hei    info_height
 write City$
 set just tl
 amove    card_width*0.05 (card_height*0.95-2*( info_height*1.24))
 set hei    info_height
 write    Country$

 !============== write services=====================
  set just bl
 amove    card_width*0.05 (card_height*0.05)
 set hei    info_height
 write    jobs2$
 set just bl
 amove    card_width*0.05 (card_height*0.05+(info_height*1.5))
 set hei    info_height
 write    jobs1$

 !================ write company and website===============================
 set just br
 amove    card_width*0.95 (card_height*0.05)
 set hei    info_height
 write    Website$
 set just br
 amove    card_width*0.95 (card_height*0.05+(info_height*1.5))
 set hei   info_height
 write     Company$
 end origin
 end sub


 ! draw cards
 for k = margin_offset to ( paper_width - card_width ) step (card_width + gutter)
 for p = margin_offset to  ( paper_height - card_height) step (card_height + gutter)
 amove k p 
 next p
 next k

 !draw cut marks horizontal
 for k = margin_offset to ( paper_width  ) step (card_width + gutter)
 set arrowstyle  filled
 set arrowsize 0.3
 amove k margin_offset
 rline 0 -0.7 arrow both
 amove k (card_height*5+margin_offset )
 rline 0 0.7 arrow both
 next  k

  !draw cut marks vertical
for p = margin_offset to  ( paper_height  ) step (card_height + gutter)
 set arrowstyle  filled
 set arrowsize 0.3
 set font texcmssi
 amove margin_offset p
 rline -0.7 0 arrow start
 amove ((card_width*2)+margin_offset )  p
 rline 0.7 0 arrow start
 next p

 !======================= print instructions 
 amove 4  paper_height-0.5
 set just tr
 set hei 0.4
 write date$()

 amove 5  paper_height-0.5
 set lwidth 0.05
 rline 15 0 
 set hei 0.45

 !=============== write top instructions
 amove paper_width/2  paper_height-0.95
 set just tc
 write  "Card size =" card_width " cm x " card_height  "cm .  Line above and on right is 150 mm, printer check."
 amove paper_width/2   paper_height-1.6
 set just tc
 write "Use arrows to align guillotine over A4 sheet. Make one centre vertical cut through middle  first."
 amove paper_width/2   paper_height-2.1
 set just tc
 write "Followed by all horizontal cuts. Then finally trim remaining two vertial edges at arrow tip."
 amove paper_width-0.5 5
 rline 0 15


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