size 12.5 6 set lwidth 0.03 graphsiz = 6 include "" include "" ! draw graph on the right amove pagewidth()-graphsiz+0.5 0.1 begin graph nobox size graphsiz graphsiz xaxis min -1.5 max 1.5 dticks 0.25 yaxis min -1.5 max 1.5 dticks 0.25 xplaces -1 0 1 yplaces -1 0 1 xtitle "\tex{$A$}" ytitle "\tex{$B$}" title "\tex{$A \land B$}" let d1 = 1-x from -1 to 1.5 step 0.5 d1 line fill d1,x2 color CVTRGB(1,0.7,0.7) end graph ! draw labeled instances on the graph set just cc amove xg(-1) yg(-1) tex "$\ominus$" amove xg(1) yg(-1) tex "$\ominus$" amove xg(-1) yg(1) tex "$\ominus$" amove xg(1) yg(1) tex "$\oplus$" ! draw equation representing decision surface set just tc amove xg(0.5)-0.1 yg(0.5)-0.1 begin rotate -45 tex "$w_0 + w_1 A + w_2 B = 0$" end rotate ! draw sign function for perceptron node sub drawsign dx set color blue rline dx 0 rmove -dx -dx/3 set color red rline dx/2 0 rline 0 2*dx/3 rline dx/2 0 set color black end sub ! draw percepton internal node (sum + sign function) set just lc amove 2.5 yg(0) begin name perceptron tex "{\Large $\Sigma$}" name sum amove pointx(sum.rc)+0.3 pointy(sum.rc) drawsign width(sum) end name ! draw ellipse around internal node set_ellipse_c 0.65 ellipse_obj perceptron ell amove pointx( pointy( aline pointx(ell.bc) pointy(ell.bc) ! draw input node, label and weight sub drawinode idx name$ wi$ r = 0.15 xdel = 1.25 ydel = 1.5 amove pointx( pointy( rline -xdel idx*ydel rmove -r 0 circle r rmove -r-0.2 0 set just rc tex name$ name input set just cc amove pointx( pointy(*ydel/2 begin box add 0.1 fill white nobox tex wi$ end box end sub ! draw output node and label sub drawonode idx name$ r = 0.15 xdel = 0.5 amove pointx(ell.rc) pointy(ell.rc) rline xdel 0 rmove r 0 circle r rmove r+0.2 0 set just lc tex name$ end sub ! draw the input and output nodes drawinode 1 "1" "$w_0$" drawinode 0 "A" "$w_1$" drawinode -1 "B" "$w_2$" drawonode 0 "$o(A,B)$" ! draw the function implemented by the perceptron set just bl amove pointx( 0.1 tex "$o(A,B) = \mathrm{sign}(w_0 + w_1 A + w_2 B)$"