GLE Example:

[PDF file]


size 4 3.7

set hei 0.4 just cc arrowsize 0.2
cy = pageheight()/2; delx = 0.7; crad = 1;
cx1 = pagewidth()/2-delx; cx2 = pagewidth()/2+delx
angle = todeg(acos(delx/crad))

! draw red circle
amove cx1 cy
circle crad fill red
tex "$A$" name A

! draw green circle
amove cx2 cy
circle crad fill green
tex "$B$" name B

! draw yellow intersection
begin path fill yellow stroke
   asetpos cx2 cy; arc crad 180-angle 180+angle
   asetpos cx1 cy; arc crad 360-angle angle
end path

! draw "A \cap B" at the top + corresponding arrow
set just bc
amove pagewidth()/2 cy+1.4
tex "$A \cap B$"
rmove 0 -0.1; aline pagewidth()/2 cy+0.25 arrow end

! draw "A \cup B" at the bottom
set just tc
amove pagewidth()/2 cy-1.4
tex "$A \cup B$"
rmove 0 +0.1; save arroworig

! draw three arrows at the bottom
aline pagewidth()/2 cy-0.25 arrow end
amove ptx(arroworig) pty(arroworig); aline pointx(A.bc) cy-0.25 arrow end
amove ptx(arroworig) pty(arroworig); aline pointx(B.bc) cy-0.25 arrow end


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