! Example of how to use color map and contour at the same time. ! Plot of modelling results coming from Abaqus. ! By Fabien Leonard. size 12 12 set font texcmr include "color.gle" include "contour.gle" ! creates the z-value file to be used by the contour command begin fitz data "Zstress.csv" x from 0 to 2 step 0.1 y from 0 to 2 step 0.1 ncontour 6 end fitz begin contour data "Zstress.z" values from 100 to 800 step 100 end contour begin graph title "Modelling results of specimen stress (in MPa)" xtitle "Bolt shortening (mm)" ytitle "Step" xticks color white yticks color white colormap "Zstress.z" 500 500 color data "Zstress-cdata.dat" d1 line color white lwidth 0.02 end graph amove xg(xgmax)+0.5 yg(ygmin) color_range_vertical zmin 0 zmax 815 zstep 50 pixels 1500 format "fix 0" contour_labels file "Zstress-clabels.dat" format "fix 0"