GLE Example:
[PDF file]
! plot of Hubble's data to demonstrate GLE's fitting routines size 12 7 set font texcmr amove 0 0.5 begin graph size 12 6.5 center title "Hubble's Data (1929)" xtitle "Disance [106 parsecs]" ytitle "Recession Velocity [km/sec]" data "hubble.dat" d1=c3,c4 ignore 1 d1 marker fcircle msize 0.11 color red let d2 = linfit d1 slope ofset rsquared d2 line color blue end graph amove 0.1 0.1 write "Slope = " format$(slope,"fix 2") ", Offset = " format$(ofset,"fix 2") ", R^2 = " format$(rsquared,"sci 3 10")
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