GLE Example:

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! This sequence of graphs illustrates the four main steps !
! to obtain the concentration and quantum mobility of two !
! dimensional electron gases using Shubnikov-de Haas      !
! measurements and Fourier transform.                     !
!                                                         !
! Author:  Ivan Ramos Pagnossin                           !
! Data:    2003.12.13                                     !
! Project: Master thesis                                  !

size 16 15

set texlabels 1

!------------------- STEP 1 ------------------------
amove 1.5 8
begin graph
   size 6 6
   data "SdHmethod/step1.dat"
   d1 line smooth
   xaxis min -0.1 max 10.1 dticks 2   dsubticks 1
   yaxis min 0.6  max 2.2  dticks 0.5 dsubticks 0.25
   xlabels off
   x2labels on
   x2title "$B$ (T)"
   ytitle  "$\rho_{xx}$ $\mathrm{(k\Omega)}$ or $V$ (mV)"   
end graph

set just cc
amove xg(xgmin)+0.6 yg(ygmax)-0.6
tex "(a)"

!------------------- STEP 2 ------------------------
amove 8 8
begin graph
   size 6 6
   data "SdHmethod/step2.dat"
   d1 line smooth 
   xaxis min 0.09 max 1 dticks 0.2 dsubticks 0.1
   yaxis min -10  max 15 
   xlabels off
   x2labels on
   ylabels off
   y2labels on
   x2title "$1/B$ $\mathrm{(T^{-1})}$"
   y2title "$\rho''$ $\mathrm{(10^3\,k\Omega\,T^2)}$"
end graph

amove xg(xgmax)-0.6 yg(ygmax)-0.6
tex "(b)"

!------------------- STEP 3 ------------------------
amove 1.5 1.5
begin graph
   size 6 6
   data "SdHmethod/FFT1.dat"
   data "SdHmethod/FFT2.dat"
   data "SdHmethod/FFT3.dat"
   data "SdHmethod/FFT4.dat"
   data "SdHmethod/FFT5.dat"
   d1 line smooth color black
   d2 line smooth color red
   d3 line smooth color green
   d4 line smooth color blue
   d5 line smooth color yellow
   xaxis min -0.2 max 2.2 dticks 1  dsubticks 0.5 
   yaxis min -5   max 180 dticks 40 dsubticks 20
   xtitle "$\nu$ (T) or $n$ $\mathrm{(10^{12} cm^{-2})}$"
   ytitle "$|F_{H}(\nu)|$ $\mathrm{(10^3 k\Omega\, T)}$"
end graph

amove xg(xgmin)+0.6 yg(ygmax)-0.6
tex "(c)"

amove xg(1.65) yg(160)
tex "s = 2"

begin key
   pos lc
   text "1st DFT" line color black
   text "2nd" line color red
   text "3rd" line color green
   text "4th" line color blue
   text "5th" line color yellow
end key

!------------------- STEP 4 ------------------------
amove 8 1.5
begin graph
   size 6 6
   data "SdHmethod/step4.dat"
   let d2 = logefit d1 from 0.05 to 0.35
   d1 marker fcircle msize 0.3
   d2 line color blue
   xaxis min 0.05 max 0.35 dticks 0.1 dsubticks 0.05
   yaxis min 50 max 210 log grid
   yticks lstyle 2
   ysubticks lstyle 2
   ylabels off
   y2labels hei 0.4
   y2labels on
   xtitle "$t_1$ $\mathrm{(T^{-1})}$"
   y2title "$|F_{H}(\nu)|$ $\mathrm{(10^3 k\Omega\, T)}$"   
end graph

amove xg(xgmax)-0.6 yg(ygmax)-0.6
tex "(d)"


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