Other uncatagorized figures.
include "barcode.gle"
! GLE file that draws EAN-13 barcodes
! Author: Jan Soubusta
size sx+.2 sy+.2
amove .1 .1
draw bar_code.bl 8 "594005" "530744" "Water"
papersize a4paper
size 21.0 29.7
! this gle script produces 10 business cards on an A4 sheet
! Use any good paper, photo or board.
! Not aligned to pre-perforated sheets !!!!
! use the arrow marks to align guillotine.
! for accurate sizing, set printer to NO PAGE SCALING
! If you want border enable the : box card_width card_height code below
! author: emile
! march 2010.
! modify the fields below with your details.
name$ = "Your Name"
mobile$ = "+99 0411 111 111"
telephone$ = "+99 123456789"
title$ = "Electronics Engineer"
post_nominals$ ="B.Eng. MBA"
email$ = "Your\_Name@company.com" !note escape for underscore
jobs1$ = "Sales Electronics"
jobs2$ = "Project management"
Website$ = "www.company.com"
Company$ = "Universal Electronics LLC"
Street$ = "123 Looooong Street"
City$ = "BigTown, 12345"
Country$ = "Australia"
!--- choose yor font here
set font ssb ! psagb pshn psncsr psagb sets global font; these fonts work ok
!slightly modify font heights here. Values are in cm
name_height = 0.55 !
info_height = 0.32 ! corner texts
qualifications_height = 0.35 ! appears under name
margin_offset = 1.15 ! cm ; used to set left and bottom margin
!============== Modify below at own risk 0.01 cm allowed for offcut
paper_width = 21.0 ! A4 sheer
paper_height = 29.7
card_width = 9.01 ! cm
card_height = 5.11 ! cm This is slightly smaller than some.
gutter = 0 ! do not change , use only if you want to have gap between cards,
sub card
begin origin
amove 0 0
! ============= Optional box border ===============================
! set lwidth 0.18
! box card_width card_height
! if you want to have a border convert the above comment to script, remove the !
set color black
!---- write name, title, qualifications
set hei name_height
set just bc
amove card_width/2 card_height/2+0.2
write name$
set just tc
amove card_width/2 ((card_height/2)-qualifications_height+0.2)
set hei qualifications_height
write title$
set just tc
amove card_width/2 ((card_height/2)-2.15*qualifications_height+0.2)
set hei qualifications_height
write post_nominals$
!=================== write contacts ===========================
set just tr
amove card_width*0.95 (card_height*0.95)
set hei info_height
write "Cell: " mobile$
set just tr
amove card_width*0.95 (card_height*0.95- (info_height*1.24 ))
set hei info_height
write "Tel: " telephone$
set just tr
amove card_width*0.95 (card_height*0.95- 2*(info_height*1.24))
set hei info_height
write "Email: " email$
!=================== write address ===========================
set just tl
amove card_width*0.05 (card_height*0.95)
set hei info_height
write Street$
set just tl
amove card_width*0.05 (card_height*0.95-( info_height*1.24))
set hei info_height
write City$
set just tl
amove card_width*0.05 (card_height*0.95-2*( info_height*1.24))
set hei info_height
write Country$
!============== write services=====================
set just bl
amove card_width*0.05 (card_height*0.05)
set hei info_height
write jobs2$
set just bl
amove card_width*0.05 (card_height*0.05+(info_height*1.5))
set hei info_height
write jobs1$
!================ write company and website===============================
set just br
amove card_width*0.95 (card_height*0.05)
set hei info_height
write Website$
set just br
amove card_width*0.95 (card_height*0.05+(info_height*1.5))
set hei info_height
write Company$
end origin
end sub
! draw cards
for k = margin_offset to ( paper_width - card_width ) step (card_width + gutter)
for p = margin_offset to ( paper_height - card_height) step (card_height + gutter)
amove k p
next p
next k
!draw cut marks horizontal
for k = margin_offset to ( paper_width ) step (card_width + gutter)
set arrowstyle filled
set arrowsize 0.3
amove k margin_offset
rline 0 -0.7 arrow both
amove k (card_height*5+margin_offset )
rline 0 0.7 arrow both
next k
!draw cut marks vertical
for p = margin_offset to ( paper_height ) step (card_height + gutter)
set arrowstyle filled
set arrowsize 0.3
set font texcmssi
amove margin_offset p
rline -0.7 0 arrow start
amove ((card_width*2)+margin_offset ) p
rline 0.7 0 arrow start
next p
!======================= print instructions
amove 4 paper_height-0.5
set just tr
set hei 0.4
write date$()
amove 5 paper_height-0.5
set lwidth 0.05
rline 15 0
set hei 0.45
!=============== write top instructions
amove paper_width/2 paper_height-0.95
set just tc
write "Card size =" card_width " cm x " card_height "cm . Line above and on right is 150 mm, printer check."
amove paper_width/2 paper_height-1.6
set just tc
write "Use arrows to align guillotine over A4 sheet. Make one centre vertical cut through middle first."
amove paper_width/2 paper_height-2.1
set just tc
write "Followed by all horizontal cuts. Then finally trim remaining two vertial edges at arrow tip."
amove paper_width-0.5 5
rline 0 15
clip.gle clip.zip zip file contains all files for this figure.
! Example with a clipped color gradient.
! Author: Francois Tonneau
size 15 8
left = 0.05
right = 0.0804
top = 0.1480
reddish = rgb255(229, 30, 32)
blueish = rgb255( 33, 76, 155)
greenish = rgb255( 13, 130, 53)
set font ss lwidth 0.03
amove 2.5 1.5
! We plot the data as a series of scatter plots with error lines.
begin graph
size 10.5 5.5
xaxis min 0.05 max 0.10 dticks 0.01 nolast format "fix 2"
yaxis min 0.00 max 0.20 dticks 0.05 nolast format "fix 2"
ticks length 0.15
x2ticks off
labels hei 0.45 dist 0.25
ynames "\sethei{0.35}0.00" 0.05 0.10 "\sethei{0.4}{\it H}_{c}"
xtitle "{\it L_{0}} (m)" dist 0.30
ytitle "\sethei{0.4}{\it H}\sethei{0.35}(T)" dist 0.35
data "clip.dat" &
d1=c1,c2 d2=c1,c3 &
d3=c4,c5 d4=c4,c6 &
d5=c7,c8 d6=c7,c9 &
d7=c10,c11 d8=c10,c12 &
d1 marker fsquare color black msize 0.23
d3 marker fcircle color reddish msize 0.25
d5 marker ftriangle color blueish msize 0.26
d7 marker fdiamond color greenish msize 0.32
! Most of the error lines are vertical ('err'), but we also add horizontal
! error lines ('herr') to dataset d3:
d1 err d2 errwidth 0.3 lwidth 0.03
d3 err d4 errwidth 0.3 lwidth 0.03
d5 err d6 errwidth 0.3 lwidth 0.03
d7 err d8 errwidth 0.2 lwidth 0.03
d3 herr d9 herrwidth 0.3 lwidth 0.03
! Now we draw a colored gradient/region, using a low-rank layer to stay
! behind the data points and the axes:
begin layer 300
draw filled_region
end layer
end graph
! In GLE, gradients/colormaps occupy a rectangular area, whereas we want our
! colored gradient to fill a curved contour. The solution is to use the contour
! as a boundary and clip the gradient after it. This involves four steps:
! 1. Begin a clipping block to save GLE's default clipping state, which will be
! restored later.
! 2. Write a 'begin path ... end path' block with the 'clip' option on. Until
! the end of the clipping block, anything drawn after the path will remain
! clipped inside it.
! 3. Move to what will be the lower left corner of the gradient/colormap, and
! draw the rectangular gradient. Because of step (2), the visible gradient
! will stay inside the clipping path.
! 4. End the clipping block, restoring the default clipping state.
sub filled_region
begin clip
amove xg(left) yg(0)
set lwidth 0.06
begin path clip stroke
aline xg(right) yg(0)
aline xg(left) yg(top) curve 88 3 1.4 6.1
end path
amove xg(left) yg(0)
! As we know, a colormap associates to each point of a rectangle a
! number f that ranges from 0 to 1 and that depends on the (x, y)
! coordinates of this point. When used with the 'palette' option,
! the colormap command takes the following arguments:
! "f(x,y)", a formal expression of x and y
! x0 and x1, the initial and final values of x along the x-axis
! y0 and y1, the initial and final values of y along the y-ayis
! the number of steps for x and the number of steps for y
! the width and height of the rectangle in cm
! palette 'pal', where 'pal' refers to a subroutine that maps numbers
! in the 0-1 range to colors.
! In our example, we let x and y range from 0 to 1 in 50 steps each. Our
! "f(x,y)" expression is "z(x,y)", in reference to a 'z' subroutine we
! define below, and our palette is 'sky', also defined below. We add a
! small amount of padding to each side of the gradient rectangle to
! make sure that our region is well covered and that no whitespace
! shows through:
local padding = 0.1
local x0 = 0
local x1 = 1
local y0 = 0
local y1 = 1
local nx = 50
local ny = 50
local width = xg(right) - xg(left) + padding
local height = yg(top) - yg(0) + padding
colormap "z(x,y)" x0 x1 y0 y1 nx ny width height palette sky
end clip
end sub
! Here is the subroutine that assigns a value in the 0-1 range to each point of
! the gradient rectangle. (The name, 'z', is arbitrary; we could have chosen any
! other name, as long as we make reference to it in our colormap command.) The
! returned value is a linear function of the distance from (x, y) to the upper
! left corner of the rectangle, (0, 1):
sub z x y
local distance = (x - 0)^2 + (y - 1)^2
local maximum = (1 - 0)^2 + (0 - 1)^2
local gain = 0.7
local value = gain * distance/maximum
return value
end sub
! Finally, our 'sky' palette. A palette is a subroutine that takes a numeric
! argument as input and that returns a valid GLE color. The argument is assumed
! to be in the 0-1 range. In the case of our sky palette, the returned rgb255
! value is a linear mixture of two colors in standard RGB space:
sub sky z
local r_cool = 143; local g_cool = 189; local b_cool = 172
local r_warm = 240; local g_warm = 240; local b_warm = 240
local r = z * r_warm + (1 - z) * r_cool
local g = z * g_warm + (1 - z) * g_cool
local b = z * b_warm + (1 - z) * b_cool
return rgb255(r, g, b)
end sub
! We finish the figure by adding a legend and two labels:
begin key
absolute 10.30 4.65 nobox just tl dist 0.5 hei 0.45
marker fsquare color black msize 0.23 text "{\it A}"
marker fcircle color reddish msize 0.25 text "\Delta {\it C}"
marker ftriangle color blueish msize 0.26 text \alpha
marker fdiamond color greenish msize 0.32 text \beta
end key
set hei 0.6
amove xg(0.078) yg(0.170)
write "Phase \raise{-0.06em}{II}"
amove xg(0.061) yg(0.055)
write "Phase \raise{-0.06em}I"
set hei 0.4
amove xg(0.053) yg(0.175)
write "{\it L} || \sethei{0.35}d"
! Done. We have learned about clipping and color gradients.
size 18 27
set font pltr
amove 9.2 22
begin path fill blue
amove 9.2 22
bezier 10.05 22.05 11.15 20.6 11.6 19.6
bezier 12.05 18.6 10.45 18.5 11 18
bezier 11.55 17.5 14.45 17.9 13.8 17.6
bezier 13.15 17.3 9.9 16.5 8.4 16.8
end path
amove 4.6 23.4
circle 1.67092
amove 6 21.8
circle 1.33752 fill GREEN
amove 11.2 16.2
circle 1.32639 fill GREEN
amove 3.8 13.2
box 6.6 -2.2 fill GREEN
amove 9.6 24.8
text General test
amove 10.4 15
aline 7 13.4 arrow both
set lstyle 3
amove 4 18.4
rline 3.8 -2.2
rline -3.6 -1.6
set lwidth .1
amove 5.4 9.2
rline 3 -3
rline 3.8 2.2
amove 1.8 10.2
rline 0 -3
rline 2 1
size 18 27
amove 9 20
set font pltr just center hei 1.7
begin box add .6 name a
begin text
GLE Application
end text
end box
rmove 0 -10
begin box add 2 name b fill gray20
text GLE core
end box
begin box add 2.1 name b
text GLE core
end box
rmove 0 -7
rmove .4 -.4
begin box add .6 fill white
text Device drivers
end box
rmove -.2 .2
begin box add .6 fill white
text Device drivers
end box
rmove -.2 .2
begin box add .6 fill white name c
text Device drivers
end box
text Device drivers
join a.bc <-> b.tc
join b.bc <-> c.tc
size 12 3
amove 1 2.7
set hei 0.27
set font pldr !tt
mm$ = "green"
begin table
amove .5 .5
for c = 0 to 1 step .05
box .2 2 fill (c) nostroke
rmove .2 0
next c
amove 2 1
box 2 1 fill white nostroke
rmove -.2 .2
box 2 1 fill mm$
end table
amove 5.8 0
box 5 3
begin origin
amove .5 .5
for c = 0 to 1 step .05
box .2 2 fill (c) nostroke
rmove .2 0
next c
amove 2 1
box 2 1 fill white nostroke
rmove -.2 .2
box 2 1 fill mm$
end origin
size 12 3
amove 1 2.7
set hei .27
set font pldr ! tt
begin table
set hei .3 font plge
amove 1.2 .2
box 1 1 fill blue name square
amove 1.9 2
begin box add .1 name titlebox
text Title
end box
join square.tr -> titlebox.tr
join square <- titlebox
join square.tc <-> titlebox.v
end table
amove 7.4 0
box 4 3
begin origin
set hei .6 font plge
set hei .3
amove 1.2 .2
box 1 1 fill blue name square
amove 1.9 2
begin box add .1 name titlebox
text Title
end box
join square.tr -> titlebox.tr
join square <- titlebox
join square.tc <-> titlebox.v
end origin
size 12 3
amove 1 2.7
set hei .32
set font pldr ! tt
begin table
set hei .35 set font pltr
set just center
amove 3 .5
a$ = "Hello there "
xx = sqrt(10)
t$ = time$()
c$ = a$+t$
write a$+t$ xx
end table
amove 5.4 0
box 6 3
begin origin
set hei .35 just center font pltr
amove 3 .5
a$ = "Hello there "
xx = sqrt(10)
t$ = time$()
c$ = a$+t$
write a$+t$ xx
end origin
! 'Hello world' script.
! Author: Francois Tonneau
! In GLE scripts, lines that start with '!' are comments and are ignored by the
! compiler.
! Before trying to draw anything, we must define the width and height of the
! drawing area. Here we define it to be 10-cm wide, 4.5-cm high (GLE understands
! all units to be centimeters):
size 10 4.5
! We define line width to be 0.06 cm and the drawing color to be 'indianred',
! one of the colors known by name to GLE (the full list of names can be found
! in the User Manual):
set lwidth 0.06
set color indianred
! Now we move to a point of absolute coordinates ('amove') x = 1 cm, y = 1 cm
! and we draw a 8-cm wide, 2.2-cm high box. The box will have rounded corners
! with a corner radius of 0.3 cm:
amove 1 1
box 8 2.2 round 0.3
! For drawing text, we choose a sans-serif font ('ss': see the User Manual for
! a list of fonts) and a height of 1 cm. For more precise control over color,
! we specify it in the #RRGGBB format. Finally, we write 'Hello, World!' at
! position x = 2.25 cm, y = 1.75 cm:
set font ss
set hei 1
set color #004e58
amove 2.25 1.75
write "Hello, World!"
! ==========
! To create a PDF image from this script, save it in a folder of your choice,
! open a command prompt, go to your folder, and type 'gle -d pdf hello.gle'. If
! all goes well, GLE will compile the script into a hello.pdf file that can be
! opened and viewed like any other PDF document.
! The '-d' option is short for '-device' and tells GLE which type of output
! (eps, pdf, ...) you expect from script compilation. Type 'gle -help device'
! at the command prompt to see which output formats are available on your
! system. Type 'gle -help' for information about other GLE options.
size 18 24 box ! This is LOOP.GLE, shows programming examples
set hei .3
amove .3 .3
text loop.gle
amove 5 14
set just center hei 1
set font pldr hei 0.7
text Subroutines, Loops
set just left hei .7
set hei .9
! First define a single neuron
sub neuron xx yy
amove xx yy
begin scale .5 .5
curve 0 .4 .4 .4 .4 -.4 .4 .4 .4 -.8 -.4 -.8 -.4 .4
curve -.4 -.8 -.4 .4 -.4 -.4 -.4 .4 0 .4
end scale
end sub
! Draw the neurons
for xx = 0 to 1
for i = 1 to 6
@neuron xx*6+2 i*2+1.2
next i
next xx
! Draw the lines between them
for i = 1 to 6
for j = 1 to 6
amove 3 i*2+1
aline 7.5 j*2+1
next j
next i
include ziptext.gle
set font pltr hei 1.2
amove 12 1
@ziptext "Hello"
amove 10.5 4
begin rotate 20
@ziptext "Green trees"
end rotate
size 18 27
amove 2 2
arc 2 10 95
amove 3 24.2
circle 1.48513
rline 1 1
circle 1.5 fill green
amove 3.4 18.4
rline 1.2 -2.6
aline 6.6 17.6 arrow both
rline -3.2 .799999
set lwidth .3
amove 1.2 11.2
rline 1.6 -1.4
rline 2.2 2.2
rline -3.8 -.8
amove 0 7.8
box 2.8 -1.4 fill gray40
rline 1 1
box 2.8 -1.4
rline .3 .3
box 2.8 -1.4 fill white
amove 3.4 24
box 1.8 -2.6 fill blue
amove 12.2 15.6
text Text
set color GREEN
amove 8.6 7.4
box 1.6 -2.2 fill gray40
set lstyle 3
amove 2.4 12.8
rline 3.4 -.2
rline .6 -2
rline -2.4 -1.6
rline -2.6 .6
rline -1 2.4
rline 2 .8
set lstyle 1
begin path fill red
amove 9 12.4
bezier 2 0 2 2 1 3
rline -1.8 .6
rline -.2 1.4
end path
set lwidth .1
set color black
amove 9 12.4
bezier 2 0 2 2 1 3
rline -1.8 .6
rline -.2 1.4
amove 7.6 3
rline 1.6 -1.2
rline -1.6 0
size 8.8 6
! Test of all possible accents
sub write_nxt ch$
amove xend()+0.05 ypos()
write ch$
end sub
sub print_all ch$
write "\'"+ch$
write_nxt "\`"+ch$
write_nxt "\="+ch$
write_nxt "\."+ch$
write_nxt "\~"+ch$
write_nxt "\''"+ch$
write_nxt "\^"+ch$
write_nxt "\v "+ch$
write_nxt "\u "+ch$
write_nxt "\H "+ch$
end sub
set just left hei 0.55 font texcmr
dy = 1; topy = 0.7
amove 0.5 pageheight()-theight("H")-0.3
write "Test of TeX accents"
amove 0.5 pageheight()-1*dy-topy
print_all "e"
amove 0.5 pageheight()-2*dy-topy
print_all "n"
amove 0.5 pageheight()-3*dy-topy
print_all "o"
amove 0.5 pageheight()-4*dy-topy
print_all "s"
amove 0.5 pageheight()-5*dy-topy
print_all "E"
amove 5 pageheight()-5*dy-topy
write "\k a\k e"
set font rm
amove xend()+0.05 yend()
write "\l\L"
set font texcmr
amove 5 pageheight()-1*dy-topy
print_all "\i"
amove 5 pageheight()-2*dy-topy
print_all "\j"
amove 5 pageheight()-3*dy-topy
print_all "\gamma"
amove 5 pageheight()-4*dy-topy
begin table
ab\gamma \i\j\'\i cd\'\gamma ef\gamma
end table
size 18 27
include "shape.gle"
box 18 27
amove .2 .2
box 18-.4 27-.4
set just center hei 1.4 font rmi
amove 12.1 23
for i = 0 to 1 step .05
set color (1-i)
write "Utilities"
rmove -.05 .025
next i
set color white
write "Utilities"
set color black
set hei .8 just center
amove 11.8 21.6
write "Surface, Contour,"
rmove 0 -.9
write "Manip, Fitz, Letz, Fitls"
rmove 0 -1.2
set hei .6
write "Version 3.2"
set just left hei .401 font rm
begin object thetext
begin text width 13
\setstretch{.01}MANIP is a general purpose data entry and manipulation
FITLS fits any equation with unknown constants to X,Y data.
FITZ allows surfaces to be fitted to X,Y,Z data.
LETZ allows a surface to be generated from an X,Y
Evenly spaced Z data can be plotted
using SURFACE or a contour of the data
can be plotted on a normal GLE graph using CONTOUR.
end text
end object
amove pagewidth()/2 16
draw shadow_box.tc thetext 0.4 0.4
set hei 7 font rmi
amove 2 2
begin path clip stroke
write "GLE"
end path
set lwidth .1
amove 2 1.8
for i = 0 to 40
amove 2 2
aline i 40-i
next i