Feynman Diagrams
A pictorial representation of the mathematical expressions describing the behavior and interaction of subatomic particles.
size 7.2 1 ! 6*x+2*(dx+d) y+2*d
include "feyn.gle"
x = 1
y = 0.8
dx = 0.5
d = 0.1
a = 1.75*doublea
sub quad x y
amove x-a y-a
begin path fill black
rline 2*a 0
rline 0 2*a
rline -2*a 0
rline 0 -2*a
end path
amove x y
end sub
begin translate x+d d
amove -x 0
@double x 0
@arrow 0.25
@arrow 0.75
@quad 0 0
end translate
begin translate 3*x+dx+d d
amove -x 0
@double x 0
@arrow 0.25
@arrow 0.75
@quad 0 0
@photon 0 y
end translate
begin translate 5*x+2*dx+d d
amove -x 0
@double x 0
@arrow 0.25
@arrow 0.75
@quad 0 0
@photon -y y
amove 0 0
photona = -photona
@photon y y
photona = -photona
end translate
size 2.2 2.2 ! 2*(x+d) 2*(x+d)
include "feyn.gle"
x = 1
d = 0.1
r = 0.05
begin translate x+d x+d
amove -x 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 x x 0
@fermion2 0 -x -x 0
set lwidth 0.03
circle r fill black
@photon x 0
circle r fill black
end translate
size 11.4 1.64 ! 4*x2+2*(x4+d1+d) y1+y+2*d
include "feyn.gle"
x = 0.8
x1 = 1.6
x2 = 2
x3 = 0.72
x4 = 1.2
y = 0.56
y1 = 0.88
d = 0.1
d1 = 0.4
r = 0.05
doublea = 0.05
a = 1.75*doublea
sub quad x y
amove x-a y-a
begin path fill black
rline 2*a 0
rline 0 2*a
rline -2*a 0
rline 0 -2*a
end path
amove x y
end sub
begin translate x2+d d
amove -x2 0
@double x2 0
amove -x1 0
circle r fill black
photonn = -1
@photon -x y1
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 y1+y x y1
set lwidth 0.03
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 y1-y -x y1
set lwidth 0.03
amove x1 0
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
photonn = -1
@photon x y1
photona = -photona
@quad 0 0
end translate
begin translate 3*x2+d1+d d
amove -x2 0
@double x2 0
@quad -x1 0
amove -x1 0
photonn = -1
@photon -x y1
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 y1+y x y1
set lwidth 0.03
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 y1-y -x y1
set lwidth 0.03
amove x1 0
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
photonn = -1
@photon x y1
photona = -photona
end translate
begin translate 4*x2+x4+2*d1+d d
amove -x4 0
@double x4 0
@quad 0 0
amove 0 0
@photon2 -x3 0.5*y1 -x y1
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 y1+y x y1
set lwidth 0.03
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 y1-y -x y1
set lwidth 0.03
amove 0 0
photona = -photona
@photon2 x3 0.5*y1 x y1
photona = -photona
end translate
size 9.8 2.8 ! 6*a 1.5*a+2*d
include "feyn.gle"
a = 1.6
b = 0.2
d1 = 0.4
d2 = 0.1
d = 0.1
r = 0.05
begin translate a-d2 0.5*a+d
amove -sqrt(0.75)*a -0.5*a
photonn = -1
@photon 0 0
momd = -momd
@mom 0.5
amove sqrt(0.75)*a -0.5*a
photonn = -1
photona = -photona
@photon 0 0
@mom 0.5
amove 0 a
photonn = -1
@photon 0 0
photona = -photona
@mom 0.5
circle r fill black
amove -sqrt(0.5)*b a-sqrt(0.5)*b
@fermion sqrt(0.5)*b a+sqrt(0.5)*b
amove -sqrt(0.5)*b a+sqrt(0.5)*b
@fermion sqrt(0.5)*b a-sqrt(0.5)*b
end translate
begin translate 3*a+d1 0.5*a+d
amove -sqrt(0.75)*a -0.5*a
@dash 0 0
@arrow 0.5
@mom 0.5
@dash sqrt(0.75)*a -0.5*a
@arrow 0.5
@mom 0.5
amove 0 0
circle r fill black
photonn = -1
@photon 0 a
amove -sqrt(0.5)*b a-sqrt(0.5)*b
@fermion sqrt(0.5)*b a+sqrt(0.5)*b
amove -sqrt(0.5)*b a+sqrt(0.5)*b
@fermion sqrt(0.5)*b a-sqrt(0.5)*b
end translate
begin translate 5*a+d1 sqrt(0.5)*a+d
amove -sqrt(0.5)*a -sqrt(0.5)*a
@dash 0 0
@arrow 0.5
@dash sqrt(0.5)*a -sqrt(0.5)*a
@arrow 0.5
amove -sqrt(0.5)*a sqrt(0.5)*a
@photon 0 0
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
@photon sqrt(0.5)*a sqrt(0.5)*a
amove sqrt(0.5)*a-b sqrt(0.5)*a
@fermion sqrt(0.5)*a+b sqrt(0.5)*a
amove sqrt(0.5)*a sqrt(0.5)*a-b
@fermion sqrt(0.5)*a sqrt(0.5)*a+b
end translate
size 6 2.4 ! 4*(x+x2)+2*d+d1 2*(x+d)
include "feyn.gle"
x = 1
y = 0.75
x2 = 0.2
b = 0.2*sqrt(0.5)
d = 0.1
d1 = 1
d2 = 0.4
r = 0.05
begin translate x+x2+d y+d2+0.1
amove -x-x2 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion x+x2 0
set lwidth 0.03
@arrow (0.5*x+x2)/(2*(x+x2))
@arrow (1.5*x+x2)/(2*(x+x2))
amove x 0
circle r fill black
@photon2 0 -y -x 0
@mom 0.5
circle r fill black
amove 0 x
@photon 0 0
@mom 0.4
circle r fill black
amove -b x-b
@fermion b x+b
amove -b x+b
@fermion b x-b
end translate
begin translate 3*(x+x2)+d+d1 d+0.1
amove -x-x2 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion x+x2 0
set lwidth 0.03
@arrow 0.5
amove x 0
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
photonn = -1
@photon 0 x
momd = -momd
@mom 0.4
circle r fill black
photonn = -1
@photon -x 0
photona = -photona
@mom 0.6
momd = -momd
circle r fill black
amove 0 2*x
@photon 0 x
@mom 0.4
circle r fill black
amove -b 2*x-b
@fermion b 2*x+b
amove -b 2*x+b
@fermion b 2*x-b
end translate
size 10.7 3.2 ! 2*(x+y+x2+d1+d)+d2 2*y+dl+d+dy
include "feyn.gle"
x = 1
x2 = 1.5
y = 0.75
y1 = 0.2
d = 0.1
dl = 0.3
d1 = 1.5
d2 = 1
d3 = 0.05
dy = 1.25
r = 0.05
r2 = 0.07
rr = 0.2
at = 0.12
sub tri a
begin origin
begin rotate 90*a
begin path fill black
amove 0 -at
aline -0.75*at at
aline 0.75*at at
aline 0 -at
end path
end rotate
end origin
end sub
begin translate d y+dy+dl ! 1.1
amove 0 0
circle r fill black
@fermion 2*x 0
@arrow 0.25
@arrow 0.75
circle r fill black
amove x 0
circle r fill black
@photon x y
@tri 0
amove 1.5*x y1
circle r2 fill black
end translate
begin translate 2*x+d1+d y+dy+dl ! 1.2
amove 0 0
@fermion 2*y 0
@arrow 0.25
@arrow 0.75
amove y 0
circle r fill black
@photon y y
end translate
begin translate 2*(x+y+d1)+d y+dy+dl ! 1.3
amove 0 0
circle r fill black
@fermion x2 0
@arrow 0.5
circle r fill black
amove 0.5*x2 y1
circle r2 fill black
end translate
begin translate 2*(x+y+d1)+x2+d2+d y+dy+dl ! 1.4
amove 0 0
circle r fill black
@fermion x2 0
@arrow 0.5
circle r fill black
end translate
begin translate d dl ! 2.1
amove 0 0
circle r fill black
@photon 2*x 0
circle r fill black
amove x 0
circle r fill black
@photon x y
@tri 0
amove 1.5*x y1
circle r2 fill black
end translate
begin translate 2*x+d1+d dl ! 2.2
amove 0 0
@photon 2*y 0
amove y 0
circle r fill black
@photon y y
! direction
amove y-rr rr+d3
@fermion y-rr d3
@fermion2 y d3-rr y+rr d3
@fermion y+rr rr+d3
@arrow 1
end translate
begin translate 2*(x+y+d1)+d dl ! 2.3
amove 0 0
circle r fill black
@photon x2 0
circle r fill black
amove 0.5*x2 y1
circle r2 fill black
end translate
begin translate 2*(x+y+d1)+x2+d2+d dl ! 2.4
amove 0 0
circle r fill black
@photon x2 0
circle r fill black
end translate
size 11.3 7.7 ! 8*x2+4*(x+y)+2*(d2+d)+d1 4*y+2*(x+dy+d)
include "feyn.gle"
x = 1
x2 = 0.2
y = 0.75
y1 = 0.2
x3 = 0.5
d = 0.1
d1 = 1
d2 = 1
d3 = 0.2
dy = 1.25
r = 0.05
r2 = 0.07
rr = 0.2
at = 0.12
sub tri a
begin origin
begin rotate 90*a
begin path fill black
amove 0 -at
aline -0.75*at at
aline 0.75*at at
aline 0 -at
end path
end rotate
end origin
end sub
begin translate x+x2+d 3*y+2*(x+dy)+d ! 1.1
amove -x-x2 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion x+x2 0
set lwidth 0.03
@arrow (0.5*x+x2)/(2*(x+x2))
@arrow (1.5*x+x2)/(2*(x+x2))
amove x 0
circle r fill black
@photon2 0 -y -x 0
circle r fill black
amove 0 y
@tri 0
@photon 0 0
circle r fill black
amove 0.5*x y1
circle r2 fill black
end translate
begin translate 3*x2+2*x+y+d2+d 3*y+2*(x+dy)+d ! 1.2
amove -y-x2 0
@fermion y+x2 0
@arrow (0.5*y+x2)/(2*(y+x2))
@arrow (1.5*y+x2)/(2*(y+x2))
amove y 0
circle r fill black
photonn = -1
@photon2 0 -0.75*y -y 0
circle r fill black
amove 0 y
@photon 0 0
circle r fill black
end translate
begin translate 5*x2+3*y+2*(x+d2)+d 2.625*y+2*(x+dy)+d ! 1.3
amove -y-x2 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion y+x2 0
set lwidth 0.03
@arrow 0.5
amove -y 0
circle r fill black
photonn = -1
@photon2 0 0.75*y y 0
circle r fill black
amove 0 -y1
circle r2 fill black
end translate
begin translate 7*x2+5*y+2*(x+d2)+d1+d 2.625*y+2*(x+dy)+d ! 1.4
amove -y-x2 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion y+x2 0
set lwidth 0.03
@arrow 0.5
amove -y 0
circle r fill black
photonn = -1
@photon2 0 0.75*y y 0
circle r fill black
end translate
begin translate x+x2+d x+y+dy+d ! 2.1
amove -x-x2 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion x+x2 0
set lwidth 0.03
@arrow 0.5
amove x 0
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
photonn = -1
@photon 0 x
circle r fill black
photonn = -1
@photon -x 0
photona = -photona
circle r fill black
amove 0 x+y
@tri 0
@photon 0 x
circle r fill black
amove 0.5*x+sqrt(0.5)*y1 0.5*x+sqrt(0.5)*y1
circle r2 fill black
end translate
begin translate 3*x2+2*x+y+d2+d x+1.625*y+dy+d ! 2.2
amove -y-x2 0
@fermion y+x2 0
@arrow 0.5
amove y 0
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
@photon 0 y
circle r fill black
@photon -y 0
photona = -photona
circle r fill black
amove 0 2*y
@photon 0 y
circle r fill black
! direction
amove -2*rr y+rr-d3
@fermion -rr y-d3
@fermion2 0 y-sqrt(0.125)*rr-d3 rr y-d3
@fermion 2*rr y+rr-d3
@arrow 1
end translate
begin translate 5*x2+3*y+2*(x+d2)+d x+1.625*y+dy+d ! 2.3
amove -y-x2 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion y+x2 0
set lwidth 0.03
@arrow 0.5
amove -y 0
circle r fill black
photonn = -1
@photon2 0 0.75*y y 0
circle r fill black
amove 0 0.75*y+y1
circle r2 fill black
end translate
begin translate 7*x2+5*y+2*(x+d2)+d1+d x+1.625*y+dy+d ! 2.4
amove -y-x2 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion y+x2 0
set lwidth 0.03
@arrow 0.5
amove -y 0
circle r fill black
photonn = -1
@photon2 0 0.75*y y 0
circle r fill black
end translate
begin translate x+x2+d y+d ! 3.1
amove -x-x2 0
@fermion x+x2 0
@arrow (0.5*x+x2)/(2*(x+x2))
@arrow (1.5*x+x2)/(2*(x+x2))
amove x 0
circle r fill black
@photon2 0 -y -x 0
circle r fill black
amove 0 y
@photon 0 0
circle r fill black
end translate
begin translate 3*(x+x2)+d+d1 0.5*y+d ! 3.2
amove -x-x2 0
@fermion x+x2 0
@arrow 0.5
amove x 0
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
photonn = -1
@photon 0 x
circle r fill black
photonn = -1
@photon -x 0
photona = -photona
circle r fill black
amove 0 x+y
@photon 0 x
circle r fill black
! direction
amove -2*rr x+rr-d3
@fermion -rr x-d3
@fermion2 0 x-sqrt(0.125)*rr-d3 rr x-d3
@fermion 2*rr x+rr-d3
@arrow 1
end translate
begin translate 4*(x+x2)+2*d1+d 0.5*y+d ! 3.3
amove 0 0
@fermion 2*(x+x2)+x3 0
@arrow (x+x2)/(2*(x+x2)+x3)
amove x2 0
circle r fill black
@photon2 x2+x y x2+2*x 0
circle r fill black
amove x2+2*x+x3 0
circle r fill black
@photon x2+2*x+x3 y
end translate
size 6 2.4 ! 4*(x+x2)+2*d+d1 x+y+d2+d
include "feyn.gle"
x = 1
y = 0.75
x2 = 0.2
d = 0.1
d1 = 1
d2 = 0.5
r = 0.05
begin translate x+x2+d y+d2
amove -x-x2 0
@double x+x2 0
@arrow (0.5*x+x2)/(2*(x+x2))
@arrow (1.5*x+x2)/(2*(x+x2))
amove x 0
circle r fill black
@photon2 0 -y -x 0
circle r fill black
amove 0 x
@photon 0 0
circle r fill black
end translate
begin translate 3*(x+x2)+d+d1 d2
amove -x-x2 0
@double x+x2 0
@arrow 0.5
momd = -momd
@mom 0.5
amove x 0
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
photonn = -1
@photon 0 x
@mom 0.4
circle r fill black
photonn = -1
@photon -x 0
photona = -photona
@mom 0.6
momd = -momd
circle r fill black
amove 0 x+y
@photon 0 x
circle r fill black
end translate
size 10.2 1.7 ! 6*x1+2*(d1+d) 2*(y+d)
include "feyn.gle"
x = 1
y = 0.75
rr = (x*x+y*y)/(2*y)
y2 = 0.5
x2 = sqrt(sqr(rr)-sqr(rr-y+y2))
x1 = 1.5
d = 0.1
d1 = 0.5
r = 0.05
begin translate x1+d y+d
amove -x1 0
@photon -x 0
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 y x 0
@fermion2 0 -y -x 0
set lwidth 0.03
amove x 0
circle r fill black
@photon x1 0
end translate
begin translate 3*x1+d1+d y+d
amove -x1 0
@photon -x 0
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 y x 0
@fermion2 0 -y -x 0
set lwidth 0.03
amove x 0
circle r fill black
@photon x1 0
amove -x2 y2
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
photonn = -1
@photon2 0 y2-0.75*x2 x2 y2
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
end translate
begin translate 5*x1+2*d1+d y+d
amove -x1 0
@photon -x 0
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 y x 0
@fermion2 0 -y -x 0
set lwidth 0.03
amove x 0
circle r fill black
@photon x1 0
amove 0 -y
circle r fill black
@photon 0 y
circle r fill black
end translate
size 5.2 2 ! 2*(x2+d) y1+y+2*d
include "feyn.gle"
x = 1
x1 = 2
x2 = 2.5
y = 0.7
y1 = 1.1
d = 0.1
r = 0.05
doublea = 0.05
begin translate x2+d d
amove -x2 0
@fermion x2 0
amove -x1 0
circle r fill black
@photon -x y1
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 y1+y x y1
set lwidth 0.03
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 y1-y -x y1
set lwidth 0.03
amove x1 0
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
@photon x y1
end translate
size 11.2 2.3 ! 6*x2+2*(d1+d) y1+y+y2+2*d
include "feyn.gle"
x = 0.75
x1 = 1.5*0.75
x2 = 2*0.75
y = 0.7*0.75
y1 = 1.1*0.75
y2 = 0.75
y3 = 1.1*0.75
x3 = x1*y3/(y1+y)
x4 = 0.3*0.75
y4 = (y1+y)*x4/x1
x5 = 0.75*((y1+y)/2-y4)
y5 = 0.75*(x1/2-x4)
d = 0.1
d1 = 1
r = 0.05
doublea = 0.05
begin translate x2+d y1+y+d ! a
amove -x2 0
@double x2 0
amove -x1 0
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
@photon -x -y1
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 -y1-y x -y1
set lwidth 0.03
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 -y1+y -x -y1
set lwidth 0.03
amove x1 0
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
@photon x -y1
amove 0 y2
@photon 0 0
circle r fill black
end translate
begin translate 3*x2+d1+d d ! b
amove -x2 0
@double x2 0
amove -x1 0
circle r fill black
photonn = -1
@photon 0 y1+y
circle r fill black
@photon 0 y1+y+y2
amove x1 0
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
photonn = -1
@photon x1-x4 y4
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 x1/2+x5 (y1+y)/2+y5 x4 y1+y-y4
set lwidth 0.03
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 x1/2-x5 (y1+y)/2-y5 x1-x4 y4
set lwidth 0.03
amove x4 y1+y-y4
photonn = -1
@photon 0 y1+y
photona = -photona
end translate
begin translate 5*x2+2*d1+d d ! c
amove -x2 0
@double x2 0
amove -x1 0
circle r fill black
@photon -x3 y1+y-y3
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion x3 y1+y-y3
set lwidth 0.03
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion 0 y1+y
set lwidth 0.03
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion -x3 y1+y-y3
set lwidth 0.03
amove x1 0
photona = -photona
@photon x3 y1+y-y3
photona = -photona
amove 0 y1+y
@photon 0 y1+y+y2
end translate
size 6.9 1 ! 4*x1+2*d+d1 y+2*d
include "feyn.gle"
x = 1
x1 = 1.5
d = 0.1
d1 = 0.7
r = 0.05
y = 0.75*x
a = 1.75*doublea
sub quad x y
amove x-a y-a
begin path fill black
rline 2*a 0
rline 0 2*a
rline -2*a 0
rline 0 -2*a
end path
amove x y
end sub
begin translate x1+d d ! a
amove -x1 0
@double x1 0
amove -x 0
circle r fill black
@photon2 0 y x 0
circle r fill black
@quad 0 0
end translate
begin translate 3*x1+d1+d d ! b
amove -x1 0
@double x1 0
amove -x 0
@photon2 0 y x 0
circle r fill black
@quad -1 0
end translate
size 4.7 1 ! 4*x+dx+2*d y+2*d
include "feyn.gle"
x = 1
y = 0.8
dx = 0.5
d = 0.1
a = 2.5*doublea
sub tre x y
amove x-0.5*sqrt(3.0)*a y-0.5*a
begin path fill black
aline x+0.5*sqrt(3.0)*a y-0.5*a
aline x y+a
aline x-0.5*sqrt(3.0)*a y-0.5*a
end path
amove x y
end sub
begin translate x+d d
amove -x 0
@double x 0
@arrow 0.25
@arrow 0.75
@tre 0 0
@photon 0 y
arrowl = -arrowl
moml = -0.7*moml
momd = -momd
@mom 0.5
arrowl = -arrowl
moml = -moml
momd = -momd
end translate
begin translate 3*x+dx+d d
amove -x 0
@double x 0
@arrow 0.25
@arrow 0.75
@tre 0 0
@photon -y y
amove 0 0
photona = -photona
@photon y y
photona = -photona
end translate
size 3.2 1 ! 2*(x1+d) y+d+dl
include "feyn.gle"
x = 1
y = 0.75
x1 = 1.5
d = 0.1
dl = 0.15
r = 0.05
doublea = 0.05
begin translate x1+d dl
amove -x1 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion x1 0
set lwidth 0.03
amove -x 0
circle r fill black
@fermion2 0 y x 0
circle r fill black
end translate
size 8.7 4.8 ! 4*(x1+x2)-x+d1+2*d=4*x1+2*(y+d1+d) yy+2*x2+2*dl+y
include "feyn.gle"
x = 1
y = 0.75
x1 = 1.5
x2 = 0.75
y2 = 0.5625
yc = 0.3
d = 0.1
dl = 0.2
d1 = 0.5
yy = 2.2
r = 0.05
doublea = 0.05
rr = (x*x+y*y)/(2*y)
yb = sqrt(rr*rr-0.25*x*x)+y-rr
xi = x*(2*yb-y)/(x*x+y*y)
begin translate d+2*x2+x1-x yy+y+dl ! a
amove -2*x2-x1+x 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion 2*x2+x1-x 0
set lwidth 0.03
amove -2*x2 0
circle r fill black
@fermion 0 2*x2
circle r fill black
@fermion 2*x2 0
circle r fill black
amove 0 2*x2
@fermion 0 0
circle r fill black
end translate
begin translate d+d1-2*x+3*x1+4*x2 yy+dl+2*y ! b
amove -x1 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion x1+x 0
set lwidth 0.03
amove -x 0
circle r fill black
@fermion2 0 y x 0
circle r fill black
amove 0 0
circle r fill black
@fermion2 x -y 2*x 0
circle r fill black
end translate
begin translate d+y y+dl ! c
amove -y 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion y 0
amove 0 0
circle r fill black
@fermion2 -0.5*y 0.5*y 0 y
@fermion2 0.5*y 0.5*y 0 0
@fermion2 -0.5*y -0.5*y 0 -y
@fermion2 0.5*y -0.5*y 0 0
set lwidth 0.03
end translate
begin translate d+d1+2*y+x1 y+dl ! d
amove -x1 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion x1 0
set lwidth 0.03
amove x 0
circle r fill black
@fermion2 0 y -x 0
circle r fill black
@fermion2 0 -y x 0
end translate
begin translate d+2*(d1+y)+3*x1 y+dl ! e
amove -x1 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion x1 0
set lwidth 0.03
amove x 0
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 y -x 0
set lwidth 0.03
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 -y x 0
set lwidth 0.03
end translate
size 5.2 2 ! 2*(x2+d) y1+y+2*d
include "feyn.gle"
x = 1
x1 = 2
x2 = 2.5
y = 0.7
y1 = 1.1
d = 0.1
r = 0.05
doublea = 0.05
begin translate x2+d d
amove -x2 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion x2 0
set lwidth 0.03
amove -x1 0
circle r fill black
@photon -x y1
circle r fill black
@fermion2 0 y1+y x y1
circle r fill black
@fermion2 0 y1-y -x y1
amove x1 0
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
@photon x y1
end translate
size 10.7 1.7 ! 4*(x1+y)+3*d1+2*d 2*(y+d)
include "feyn.gle"
x = 1
y = 0.75
x1 = 1.5
d = 0.1
d1 = 0.5
a = 0.5
r = 0.05
doublea = 0.05
begin translate y+d y+d ! a
amove -y 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion y 0
amove 0 0
circle r fill black
@fermion2 -0.5*y -0.5*y 0 -y
@fermion2 0.5*y -0.5*y 0 0
set lwidth 0.03
@fermion2 -0.5*y 0.5*y 0 y
@fermion2 0.5*y 0.5*y 0 0
end translate
begin translate 3*y+d1+d y+d ! b
amove -y 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion y 0
amove 0 0
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.03
@fermion2 -0.5*y 0.5*y 0 y
@fermion2 0.5*y 0.5*y 0 0
@fermion2 -0.5*y -0.5*y 0 -y
@fermion2 0.5*y -0.5*y 0 0
end translate
begin translate 4*y+x1+2*d1+d y+d ! c
amove -x1 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion x1 0
set lwidth 0.03
amove x 0
circle r fill black
@fermion2 0 y -x 0
circle r fill black
@fermion2 0 -y x 0
end translate
begin translate 4*y+3*(x1+d1)+d y-0.5*x+d ! d
amove -x1 0
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion x1 0
set lwidth 0.03
amove 0 x
@fermion2 (1+a)*0.5*x (1+a)*0.5*x x 0
circle r fill black
@fermion2 (1-a)*0.5*x (1-a)*0.5*x 0 x
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
photonn = -1
@photon -x 0
photona = -photona
circle r fill black
end translate
size 2.2 0.4 ! 2*(x+dx) 4*d
include "feyn.gle"
x = 1
d = 0.1
a = 0.1
begin translate x+d 2*d
amove -x 0
@fermion x 0
@arrow 0.25
@arrow 0.75
amove -a -a
@fermion a a
amove -a a
@fermion a -a
end translate
size 5.2 2 ! 2*(x2+d) y1+y+2*d
include "feyn.gle"
x = 1
x1 = 2
x2 = 2.5
y = 0.7
y1 = 1.1
d = 0.1
r = 0.05
doublea = 0.05
begin translate x2+d d
amove -x2 0
@double x2 0
amove -x1 0
circle r fill black
@photon -x y1
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 y1+y x y1
set lwidth 0.03
circle r fill black
set lwidth 0.06
@fermion2 0 y1-y -x y1
set lwidth 0.03
amove x1 0
circle r fill black
photona = -photona
@photon x y1
end translate
hei = 2.5
wid = 2.5
verty = hei*.4
size wid hei
include "feyn.gle"
@Fermion wid hei
amove wid 0
ShadowA = .15
@Gluon 0 hei
@Shadow .5
amove .25*wid .75*hei
@Gluon2 .25*wid .25*hei .75*wid .25*hei
@Shadow .5
size 16 12
include "feyn.gle"
! this is line number 1630
! example 1
begin translate 0 6
x1 = 1
x2 = 3
x3 = 5
x4 = 7
y1 = 1
y2 = 3
y3 = 5
xt = 4
yt = 2
yt1 = 2.5
yt2 = 3.5
! it is usually a good idea to introduce named variables
! so that you can easily tune their values
amove x1 y1
@Fermion x2 y2 ! first fermion line
@Arrow 0.5
@Mom 0.5
@Fermion x1 y3 ! second fermion line
@Arrow 0.5
MomL = -MomL
ArrowL = -ArrowL
@Mom 0.5 ! opposite direction
MomL = -MomL
ArrowL = -ArrowL
amove x2 y2
@Photon x3 y2 ! photon line
MomD = -MomD
@Mom 0.5 ! to the right from the line
@Zigzag x4 y3 ! first zigzag line
@Mom 0.5
MomD = -MomD
amove x3 y2
PhotonA = -PhotonA
@Zigzag x4 y1 ! second zigzag line
PhotonA = -PhotonA
@Mom 0.5
! momenta near the arrows
amove x1 yt1
text p_{1}
amove x1 yt2
text p_{2}
amove x4 yt1
text k_{1}
amove x4 yt2
text k_{2}
amove xt yt
text p_{1}{\setfont{texcmr}+}p_{2}
! there is no + in the font texmi
end translate
! example 2
begin translate 8 6
x5 = 2
x6 = 4
x7 = 6
y0 = 1.5
y4 = 2.5
y5 = 3.5
amove x1 y0
@Double x4 y0
@Arrow 0.5
amove x5 y0+DoubleA ! above the center
@Gluon x2 y2
@Dash2 x6 y5 x3 y2
@Arrow 0.5
@Dash2 x6 y4 x2 y2
@Arrow 0.5
amove x3 y2
@Gluon x7 y0+DoubleA
end translate
! example 3
begin translate 0 0
x2 = 3.3
x3 = 4.7
y4 = 2.2
amove x1 y0
@Fermion x4 y0
@Arrow 0.26
@Arrow 0.5
@Arrow 0.74
amove x5 y0
@Gluon2 x6 y5 x7 y0
amove x2 y0
PhotonN = -1 ! to make the number of half-waves odd
@Photon2 x6 y4 x3 y0
end translate