Electronic Circuits
Electrical circuits and diagrams.
! Example circuit with electronics.gle
size 20 7.5
include "electronics.gle"
begin scale 0.5 0.5
set lwidth 0.05 cap round
termrad = 0.25
amove 1 3
rmove -termrad 0
circle termrad
rmove termrad 0
rline 35 0
rmove termrad 0
circle termrad
amove 1 6
rmove -termrad 0
circle termrad
rmove termrad 0
rline 1 0
@resistor_h "R1"
@npn_bjt "Q1"
rmove 2 -1
rline 0 -2
rmove 0 4
rline 0 1
rmove 0 5
rline 0 -1
@resistor_v "R2"
rline 2 0
rline 0 2
@npn_bjt "Q2"
rmove 0 -2
rline 0 -2
@pnp_bjt "Q3"
rmove 2 -1
rline 0 -2
rmove 0 4
rline 0 2
rmove 0 2
rline 0 2
rmove 0 -5
@capacitor_h "C1"
rmove 0 5
rline 0 -1
@resistor_v "R3"
rline 1 0
resistor_v "R4"
rline 0 -1
rmove 0 5
@resistor_h "R5"
@resistor_h "R6"
rline 1 0
rmove -1 0
@capacitor_v "C3"
rline 0 -1
rline 0 3
@capacitor_h "C2"
rline 0 -1
rline 1 0
@opamp 1 "U1"
rmove -1 1
rline 0 1
rline 6 0
rline 0 -3
@capacitor_h "C4"
rline 1 0
rmove termrad 0
circle termrad
rmove -termrad 0
rmove 2 1
rline 0 2
rmove 0 -6
rline 0 -4
rmove -7 0
amove 1 13
rmove -termrad 0
circle termrad
rmove termrad 0
rline 35 0
rmove termrad 0
circle termrad
rmove -termrad 0
end scale
! Three phase inverter
size 13 10
include "electronics.gle"
begin scale 0.5 0.5
set lwidth 0.05 cap round
! Draw the DC Link
amove 1 19
rline 24 0
! Draw Ground
amove 1 11
rline 2 0
rline 22 0
! Transistors
for i = 0 to 16 step 8
for j = 0 to 4 step 4
amove 2 13
rmove i j
@igbt ""
rmove 2 1
rline 0 1
rmove 0 -3
rline 0 -1
rmove 2 4
@diode_vu ""
next j
next i
! Connection po int s
amove 4 11
for i = 0 to 16 step 8
for j = 0 to 8 step 4
amove 4 11
rmove i j
rmove 2 0
next j
next i
! Machine windings
amove 12 15
rline 4 0
rline 0 -6
@inductor_v 0 ""
starx = xpos()
stary = ypos()
begin rotate -30
@inductor_h 0 ""
end rotate
rmove 4*cos(torad(30)) -4*sin(torad(30))
end_y = ypos()
aline 24 end_y
aline 24 15
rline -4 0
amove starx stary
begin rotate 210
@inductor_h 0 ""
end rotate
rmove -4*cos(torad(30)) -4*sin(torad(30))
aline 8 end_y
aline 8 15
rline -4 0
end scale
! Example of logic gate use: SR Flip-Flop
size 4.5 3.5
include "electronics.gle"
sub overline str$ dy
begin name ov
write str$
end name
amove pointx(ov.tl) pointy(ov.tl)+dy
aline pointx(ov.tr) pointy(ov.tr)+dy
end sub
begin scale 0.25 0.25
set lwidth 0.05 hei 1.2 font rm cap round
! Radius of end terminals
termrad = 0.25; x0 = 4.7
! Reset input
amove x0 2
rmove -termrad 0
circle termrad
rmove -2*termrad 0
set just RC color red
text RESET
set color black
rmove 3*termrad 0
rline 2 0
! Set input
amove x0 12
rmove -termrad 0
circle termrad
rmove -2*termrad 0
set just RC color red
text SET
set color black
rmove 3*termrad 0
rline 2 0
! Top NAND Gate
rmove 0 -2
rline 0 -2
rmove 0 -2
rline 0 -2
! Bottom NAND Gate
! Interconnections
rmove 6 -1
rline 1 0
rline 0 2
rline -7 3
rmove 0 -2
rline 7 3
rline 0 2
rline -1 0
rmove 1 0
! Top Output
rline 2 0
rmove termrad 0
circle termrad
rmove 2*termrad 0
set just LC color red
text Q
set color black
! Bottom Output
rmove 0 -8
set color red
@overline Q 0.2
set color black
rmove -2*termrad 0
circle termrad
rmove -termrad 0
rline -2 0
end scale
! An H-Bridge
! Set the page size
size 21 10
include "electronics.gle"
set lwidth 0.05 cap round
! Draw a grid if the line below is uncommented
!@drawgrid xscale
! Top left of diagram
amove 2 9
! Battery leg
rline 0 -2
@cell_v "E_1"
rline 0 -2
! Ground plane
rline 17 0
! Return to top left
! Power to cap leg
rline 4 0
rline 0 -2
@p_capacitor_vt "C_1"
rline 0 -2
! Back to power rail
rmove 0 8
! Power to First Leg
rline 5 0
rline 0 -1
rmove -2 -1
@n_mosfet "Q_1"
rmove 2 -1
rline 0 -1
@diode_vu "D_1"
! Back to Power rail
rmove 0 8
! Power to second leg
rline 8 0
@diode_vu "D_2"
rline 0 -1
rmove -2 -1
@n_mosfet "Q_2"
rmove 2 -1
rline 0 -1
! Back to right hand side of load
rmove 0 4
! Connections to load
rline -2 0
rmove -4 0
rline -2 0
rmove 2 -1
! Load
box 4 2
rmove 2 1
set just CC hei 1
text LOAD
! An H-Bridge
size 13 11
include "electronics.gle"
set lwidth 0.05 cap round font psh
! Draw a grid if the line below is uncommented
drawgrid 1
! Top left of diagram
amove 2.0 9.0
! Battery leg
rline 0 -0.5
cell_v "E_1"
rline 0 -3.5
rline 5 0
rresistor_h R_4
rresistor_h R_1
rresistor_v R_2
cell_v "E_2"
rline 5 0
rresistor_v R_3
rline 0 -4