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Charts or Reference Materials

Reference charts and digrams.
size 18.75 21

set font psh just tc hei 0.6

amove pagewidth()/2 pageheight()-0.1
write "GLE supports these SVG/X11 standard colors (alphabetical order)"

bw = 1.2; bh = 0.4; dy = 0.1; dx = 4.75; ytop = pageheight()-1.5

sub show_color name$
   rmove 0 -bh/2
   box bw bh fill name$
   rmove bw+0.2 bh/2
   write name$
   rmove -bw-0.2 -bh-dy
end sub

set just lc hei 0.35

amove 0.5 ytop
show_color "aliceblue"
show_color "antiquewhite"
show_color "aqua"
show_color "aquamarine"
show_color "azure"
show_color "beige"
show_color "bisque"
show_color "black"
show_color "blanchedalmond"
show_color "blue"
show_color "blueviolet"
show_color "brown"
show_color "burlywood"
show_color "cadetblue"
show_color "chartreuse"
show_color "chocolate"
show_color "coral"
show_color "cornflowerblue"
show_color "cornsilk"
show_color "crimson"
show_color "cyan"
show_color "darkblue"
show_color "darkcyan"
show_color "darkgoldenrod"
show_color "darkgray"
show_color "darkgreen"
show_color "darkkhaki"
show_color "darkmagenta"
show_color "darkolivegreen"
show_color "darkorange"
show_color "darkorchid"
show_color "darkred"
show_color "darksalmon"
show_color "darkseagreen"
show_color "darkslateblue"
show_color "darkslategray"
show_color "darkturquoise"
show_color "darkviolet"
show_color "deeppink"

amove 0.5+dx ytop
show_color "deepskyblue"
show_color "dimgray"
show_color "dodgerblue"
show_color "firebrick"
show_color "floralwhite"
show_color "forestgreen"
show_color "fuchsia"
show_color "gainsboro"
show_color "ghostwhite"
show_color "gold"
show_color "goldenrod"
show_color "gray"
show_color "green"
show_color "greenyellow"
show_color "honeydew"
show_color "hotpink"
show_color "indianred"
show_color "indigo"
show_color "ivory"
show_color "khaki"
show_color "lavender"
show_color "lavenderblush"
show_color "lawngreen"
show_color "lemonchiffon"
show_color "lightblue"
show_color "lightcoral"
show_color "lightcyan"
show_color "lightgoldenrodyellow"
show_color "lightgray"
show_color "lightgreen"
show_color "lightpink"
show_color "lightsalmon"
show_color "lightseagreen"
show_color "lightskyblue"
show_color "lightslategray"
show_color "lightsteelblue"
show_color "lightyellow"
show_color "lime"
show_color "limegreen"

amove 0.5+2*dx ytop
show_color "linen"
show_color "magenta"
show_color "maroon"
show_color "mediumaquamarine"
show_color "mediumblue"
show_color "mediumorchid"
show_color "mediumpurple"
show_color "mediumseagreen"
show_color "mediumslateblue"
show_color "mediumspringgreen"
show_color "mediumturquoise"
show_color "mediumvioletred"
show_color "midnightblue"
show_color "mintcream"
show_color "mistyrose"
show_color "moccasin"
show_color "navajowhite"
show_color "navy"
show_color "oldlace"
show_color "olive"
show_color "olivedrab"
show_color "orange"
show_color "orangered"
show_color "orchid"
show_color "palegoldenrod"
show_color "palegreen"
show_color "paleturquoise"
show_color "palevioletred"
show_color "papayawhip"
show_color "peachpuff"
show_color "peru"
show_color "pink"
show_color "plum"
show_color "powderblue"
show_color "purple"
show_color "red"
show_color "rosybrown"
show_color "royalblue"
show_color "saddlebrown"

amove 0.5+3*dx ytop
show_color "salmon"
show_color "sandybrown"
show_color "seagreen"
show_color "seashell"
show_color "sienna"
show_color "silver"
show_color "skyblue"
show_color "slateblue"
show_color "slategray"
show_color "snow"
show_color "springgreen"
show_color "steelblue"
show_color "tan"
show_color "teal"
show_color "thistle"
show_color "tomato"
show_color "turquoise"
show_color "violet"
show_color "wheat"
show_color "white"
show_color "whitesmoke"
show_color "yellow"
show_color "yellowgreen"
show_color "gray1"
show_color "gray5"
show_color "gray10"
show_color "gray20"
show_color "gray30"
show_color "gray40"
show_color "gray50"
show_color "gray60"
show_color "gray70"
show_color "gray80"
show_color "gray90"
size 18.75 21

set font psh just tc hei 0.6

amove pagewidth()/2 pageheight()-0.1
write "GLE supports these SVG/X11 standard colors (sorted by color)"

bw = 1.2; bh = 0.4; dy = 0.1; dx = 4.75; ytop = pageheight()-1.5

sub show_color name$
   rmove 0 -bh/2
   box bw bh fill name$
   rmove bw+0.2 bh/2
   write name$
   rmove -bw-0.2 -bh-dy
end sub

set just lc hei 0.35

amove 0.5 ytop
show_color "indianred"
show_color "lightcoral"
show_color "salmon"
show_color "darksalmon"
show_color "lightsalmon"
show_color "crimson"
show_color "red"
show_color "firebrick"
show_color "darkred"
show_color "pink"
show_color "lightpink"
show_color "hotpink"
show_color "deeppink"
show_color "mediumvioletred"
show_color "palevioletred"
show_color "coral"
show_color "tomato"
show_color "orangered"
show_color "darkorange"
show_color "orange"
show_color "gold"
show_color "yellow"
show_color "lightyellow"
show_color "lemonchiffon"
show_color "lightgoldenrodyellow"
show_color "papayawhip"
show_color "moccasin"
show_color "peachpuff"
show_color "palegoldenrod"
show_color "khaki"
show_color "darkkhaki"
show_color "lavender"
show_color "thistle"
show_color "plum"
show_color "violet"
show_color "orchid"
show_color "fuchsia"
show_color "magenta"
show_color "mediumorchid"

amove 0.5+dx ytop
show_color "mediumpurple"
show_color "blueviolet"
show_color "darkviolet"
show_color "darkorchid"
show_color "darkmagenta"
show_color "purple"
show_color "indigo"
show_color "slateblue"
show_color "darkslateblue"
show_color "greenyellow"
show_color "chartreuse"
show_color "lawngreen"
show_color "lime"
show_color "limegreen"
show_color "palegreen"
show_color "lightgreen"
show_color "mediumspringgreen"
show_color "springgreen"
show_color "mediumseagreen"
show_color "seagreen"
show_color "forestgreen"
show_color "green"
show_color "darkgreen"
show_color "yellowgreen"
show_color "olivedrab"
show_color "olive"
show_color "darkolivegreen"
show_color "mediumaquamarine"
show_color "darkseagreen"
show_color "lightseagreen"
show_color "darkcyan"
show_color "teal"
show_color "aqua"
show_color "cyan"
show_color "lightcyan"
show_color "paleturquoise"
show_color "aquamarine"
show_color "turquoise"
show_color "mediumturquoise"

amove 0.5+2*dx ytop
show_color "darkturquoise"
show_color "cadetblue"
show_color "steelblue"
show_color "lightsteelblue"
show_color "powderblue"
show_color "lightblue"
show_color "skyblue"
show_color "lightskyblue"
show_color "deepskyblue"
show_color "dodgerblue"
show_color "cornflowerblue"
show_color "mediumslateblue"
show_color "royalblue"
show_color "blue"
show_color "mediumblue"
show_color "darkblue"
show_color "navy"
show_color "midnightblue"
show_color "cornsilk"
show_color "blanchedalmond"
show_color "bisque"
show_color "navajowhite"
show_color "wheat"
show_color "burlywood"
show_color "tan"
show_color "rosybrown"
show_color "sandybrown"
show_color "goldenrod"
show_color "darkgoldenrod"
show_color "peru"
show_color "chocolate"
show_color "saddlebrown"
show_color "sienna"
show_color "brown"
show_color "maroon"
show_color "white"
show_color "snow"
show_color "honeydew"
show_color "mintcream"

amove 0.5+3*dx ytop
show_color "azure"
show_color "aliceblue"
show_color "ghostwhite"
show_color "whitesmoke"
show_color "seashell"
show_color "beige"
show_color "oldlace"
show_color "floralwhite"
show_color "ivory"
show_color "antiquewhite"
show_color "linen"
show_color "lavenderblush"
show_color "mistyrose"
show_color "gainsboro"
show_color "lightgray"
show_color "silver"
show_color "darkgray"
show_color "gray"
show_color "dimgray"
show_color "lightslategray"
show_color "slategray"
show_color "darkslategray"
show_color "black"
show_color "gray1"
show_color "gray5"
show_color "gray10"
show_color "gray20"
show_color "gray30"
show_color "gray40"
show_color "gray50"
show_color "gray60"
show_color "gray70"
show_color "gray80"
show_color "gray90"
size 16 12 box

set hei .6 just center font texcmr

amove 10.9 10.3
begin box add .2
begin text
 Fill Colors and Patterns for GLE
end text
end box

set just left font texcmss hei .25
amove 0.5 .4
amove 2 4

sub sh f$ 
 set just left
 box 2.3 1 fill f$
 box 2 .5 fill white
 RMOVE .2 .1
 write f$
 rmove -.2 1.4
end sub

sub ssh f$ ff$ n$
 set just left
 set fill f$
 set pattern ff$
 box 2.3 1
 box 2 .5 fill white
 RMOVE .2 .1
 write n$
 rmove -.2 1.4
end sub

amove .5 1
@sh "Red"
@sh "Green"
@sh "Blue"
@sh "Magenta"
@sh "Yellow"
@ssh "red" "grid" "RED GRID"
@SsH "blue" "grid" "BLUE GRID"

amove 3 1
@sh "Orange"
@sh "Cyan"
@sh "White"
@sh "Gray90"
@sh "cvtrgb(.2,0,0)"
@sh "cvtrgb(0,.8,0)"
@sh "cvtrgb(0,0,.8)"

amove 6.5 1
@sh "Shade"
@sh "Shade1"
@sh "Shade2"
@sh "Shade3"
@sh "Shade4"
@sh "Shade5"

amove 9.75 1
@sh "Grid"
@sh "Grid1"
@sh "Grid2"
@sh "Grid3"
@sh "Grid4"
@sh "Grid5"

amove 13 1
@sh "Gray1"
@sh "Gray5"
@sh "Gray10"
@sh "Gray30"
@sh "Gray70"
@sh "Gray90" zip file contains all files for this figure.
size 5.25 4.25

set hei 0.24 font rm

begin name k1
   begin key
      justify bl
      marker circle fill white lstyle 3 text "\tex{\Huge{Happy}}"
      marker triangle fill gray10 lstyle 1 text "Mark II"
      separator lstyle 1
      marker star fill gray50 lstyle 1 color red text "X"
   end key
end name

begin name k2
   amove 0 pointy(
   begin key
      justify bl llen 0.4      
      color blue lstyle 1 text "Hello"
      color red lstyle 1 text "World"
      color green lstyle 1 text "GLE"
   end key
end name

begin name k3
   amove 0 pointy(
   begin key
      justify bl      
      marker wsquare  msize 0.25 lstyle 2 text "Age"
      marker dot msize 0.35 lstyle 1 text "Width"
   end key
end name

begin name k4
   amove 0 pointy(
   begin key
      justify bl      
      marker wsquare  msize 0.25 lstyle 2 text "\tex{$\frac{1}{x+1}$}"
      marker dot msize 0.35 lstyle 1 text "Width"
   end key
end name
size 18 27 box  ! this is for sticking on your wall
        ! it has fonts, lstyles, shading, colors, markers on it.

set hei 1 just center font plge
amove 9 25.5
text GLE Wall Reference

set just left
set hei .3
amove .3 .4
amove 2 4
sub sh f$ 
 set just left
 box -.5 .5 fill f$
 RMOVE .2 .1
 write f$
 rmove -.2 .4
end sub

amove 10 10
set hei .3 font ss
begin box add .2
begin text width 7
The GRID and SHADE patterns should only be used for filling
on PostScript printers, the gray levels and colors will work
for both filling and color settings on any device.
end text
end box

set font rm
set hei .4
amove 11.5 2
@sh "Shade"
@sh "Shade1"
@sh "Shade2"
@sh "Shade3"
@sh "Shade4"
@sh "Shade5"
@sh "Grid"
@sh "Grid1"
@sh "Grid2"
@sh "Grid3"
@sh "Grid4"
@sh "Grid5"

amove 15 2
@sh "Red"
@sh "Green"
@sh "Blue"
@sh "Magenta"
@sh "Yellow"
@sh "Black"
@sh "White"
@sh "Gray10"
@sh "Gray20"
@sh "Gray40"
@sh "Gray60"
@sh "Gray80"

sub mm name$
    mk = mk+1
    set lwidth .0001
    set lstyle 1212
    rmove 0 .4
    rline 0 -.8
    rmove 0 .4
    marker name$ 1 
    rmove .3 0 
    rline .5 0 
    rmove .2 -.15
    write name$
    rmove 0 -.65
end sub 
amove 10 22
@mm "circle"
@mm "triangle"
@mm "square"
@mm "diamond"
@mm "fcircle"
@mm "ftriangle"
@mm "fsquare"
@mm "fdiamond"
@mm "dot"
@mm "cross"
@mm "club"
@mm "heart"
@mm "star"
@mm "snake"

amove 14.5 22
@mm "dag"
@mm "ddag"
@mm "asterisk"
@mm "oplus"
@mm "ominus"
@mm "otimes"
@mm "odot"
@mm "trianglez"
@mm "diamondz"
@mm "wcircle"
@mm "wtriangle"
@mm "wsquare"
@mm "wdiamond"

sub fnt f$ n$
 set font rm
 set just right
 write f$
 rmove .5 0
 set just left font f$
 write n$
 rmove -.5 -.6
end sub 

set hei .4
amove 2 14 
@fnt "rm" "Roman"
@fnt "rmi" "Roman Italic"
@fnt "rmb" "Roman Bold"
@fnt "rmbi" "Roman Bold Italic"
@fnt "tt" "Typewriter"
@fnt "ttb" "Typewriter Bold"
@fnt "ss"  "Sans Serif "
@fnt "ssb"  "Sans Serif Bold"
@fnt "ssi"  "Sans Serif Italic"
@fnt "psc" "PostScript Courier"
@fnt "psh"  "PostScript Helvetica"
@fnt "psbd"  "PostScript Bookman Demi"
@fnt "psncsb" "PostScript New Century School Book"
@fnt "pszcmi" "PostScript ZapfChancery-MediumItalic"
@fnt "pszd" "PostScript ZapfDingbats"
@fnt "pltr" "Plotter Triplex Roman"
@fnt "pldr" "Plotter Dupex Roman"
@fnt "plsr" "Plotter Simplex Roman"
@fnt "plge" "Plotter Gothic English"
@fnt "plci" "Plotter Complex Italic"
@fnt "plss" "Plotter Simplex Script"

amove 2 20
box 6 3
begin origin
  set hei .3 just left font rm
  amove .5 2.5
  for z = 0 to 4
     set lstyle z
     rline 2 0
     rmove .1 0
     write z
     rmove -2.1 -.4
  next z

  amove 3.5 2.5
  for z = 5 to 9
     set lstyle z
     rline 2 0
     rmove .1 0
     write z
     rmove -2.1 -.4
  next z

  amove .5 .2
  set lstyle 9229
  rline 3 0
  rmove .1 0
  text 9229
end origin

sub lw ww wn$
    set lwidth ww
    rline 1 0
    rmove .2 -.1
    write wn$
    rmove -1.2 .5
end sub
set hei .3 just left font ss
amove 3 16
@lw 0 "lwidth 0"
@lw .0001 "lwidth 0.0001"
@lw .01 "lwidth 0.01"
@lw .02 "lwidth 0.02"
@lw .05 "lwidth 0.05"
@lw .1 "lwidth 0.1"
@lw .2 "lwidth 0.2"
size 18 27      ! this is for sticking on your wall
        ! it has fonts, lstyles, shading, colors, markers on it.
        ! try this: gle_ps wall /eps
        !           gs wall.eps
        ! you should have Ghostscript!
set hei 1 just center font pltr fontlwidth 0.05

begin translate 0 1     ! Printing on Deskjets is a problem

box 18 26

amove 9 25
text GLE Wall Reference

set fontlwidth 0.03

set just left
set hei .3
amove .3 .4
amove 2 4
sub sh f$ 
 set just left
 box -.5 .5 fill f$
 RMOVE .2 .1
 write f$
 rmove -.2 .4
end sub

amove 10 8.5
set hei .3 font pldr
begin box add .2
begin text width 7
The GRID and SHADE patterns should only be used for filling
on PostScript printers, the gray levels and colors will work
for both filling and color settings on any device.
end text
end box

set font plsr  !rm
set hei .4
amove 11.5 1
@sh "Shade"
@sh "Shade1"
@sh "Shade2"
@sh "Shade3"
@sh "Shade4"
@sh "Shade5"
@sh "Grid"
@sh "Grid1"
@sh "Grid2"
@sh "Grid3"
@sh "Grid4"
@sh "Grid5"

amove 15 1
@sh "Red"
@sh "Green"
@sh "Blue"
@sh "Magenta"
@sh "Yellow"
@sh "Black"
@sh "White"
@sh "Gray10"
@sh "Gray20"
@sh "Gray40"
@sh "Gray60"
@sh "Gray80"

sub mm name$
    mk = mk+1
    set lwidth .0001
    set lstyle 1212
    rmove 0 .4
    rline 0 -.8
    rmove 0 .4
    marker name$ 1 
    rmove .3 0 
    rline .5 0 
    rmove .2 -.15
    write name$
    rmove 0 -.65
end sub 

amove 12.5 19.4
set font pldr hei .6
text Markers
amove 12.3 19.3
box 2.8 0.7
amove 12.2 19.2
box 3 0.9

set hei .4
amove 11 18.5
@mm "circle"
@mm "triangle"
@mm "square"
@mm "diamond"
@mm "fcircle"
@mm "ftriangle"
@mm "fsquare"
@mm "fdiamond"
@mm "dot"
@mm "cross"
@mm "club"
@mm "heart"
@mm "star"
@mm "snake"

amove 14.5 18.5
@mm "dag"
@mm "ddag"
@mm "asterisk"
@mm "oplus"
@mm "ominus"
@mm "otimes"
@mm "odot"
@mm "trianglez"
@mm "diamondz"
@mm "wcircle"
@mm "wtriangle"
@mm "wsquare"
@mm "wdiamond"

sub fnt f$ n$
 set font plsr  !rm
 set just right
 write f$
 rmove .5 0
 set just left font f$
 write n$
 rmove -.5 -.6
end sub 

amove 2 19.4
set hei 0.6 font pldr
text Fonts
amove 1.8 19.3
box 2 0.7
amove 1.7 19.2
box 2.2 0.9

set hei .4 
amove 2 18.5 
@fnt "rm" "Roman"
@fnt "rmi" "Roman Italic"
@fnt "rmb" "Roman Bold"
@fnt "rmbi" "Roman Bold Italic"
@fnt "tt" "Typewriter"
@fnt "ttb" "Typewriter Bold"
! @fnt "ss"  "Sans Serif " ! crash with Linux Ghostscript 2.6.1
@fnt "ssb"  "Sans Serif Bold"
@fnt "ssi"  "Sans Serif Italic"
@fnt "psc" "PostScript Courier"
!@fnt "psh"  "PostScript Helvetica" ! crashes Linux-Ghostscript 2.6.1
@fnt "psbd"  "PostScript Bookman Demi"
@fnt "psncsr" "PostScript New Century Schlblk Roman"
@fnt "pszcmi" "PostScript ZapfChancery-MediumItalic"
@fnt "pszd" "PostScript ZapfDingbats"
@fnt "plcg" "Plotter Complex Greek"
@fnt "plci" "Plotter Complex Italic"
@fnt "plcr" "Plotter Complex Roman"
@fnt "plcs" "Plotter Complex Script"
@fnt "pldr" "Plotter Duplex Roman"
@fnt "plge" "Plotter Gothic English"
@fnt "plgg" "Plotter Gothic German"
@fnt "plgi" "Plotter Gothic Italian"
@fnt "plsa" "Plotter Simplex Ascii"
@fnt "plsg" "Plotter Simplex Greek"
@fnt "plsr" "Plotter Simplex Roman"
@fnt "plss" "Plotter Simplex Script"
@fnt "plsym1" "Plotter Symbols one"
@fnt "plti" "Plotter Triplex Italic"
@fnt "pltr" "Plotter Triplex Roman"
@fnt "plba" "Plotter Block Ascii"
@fnt "plcc" "Plotter Complex Cyrillic"

set font pldr hei 0.6
amove 9 22.5
text Linestyles
amove 1 20.5
box 16 4
amove 0.9 20.4
box 16.2 4.2

amove 2 21
box 6 3
begin origin
  set hei .3 just left font plsr
  amove .5 2.5
  for z = 0 to 4
     set lstyle z
     rline 2 0
     rmove .1 0
     set lstyle 1
     write z
     rmove -2.1 -.4
  next z

  amove 3.5 2.5
  for z = 5 to 9
     set lstyle z
     rline 2 0
     rmove .1 0
     set lstyle 1
     write z
     rmove -2.1 -.4
  next z

  amove .5 .2
  set lstyle 9229
  rline 3 0
  rmove .1 0
  set lstyle 1 !
  text 9229
end origin

sub lw ww wn$
    set lwidth ww
    rline 1 0
    rmove .2 -.1
    set lwidth 0
    write wn$
    rmove -1.2 .5
end sub
set hei .3 just left font plsr
amove 13 21.2
@lw 0 "lwidth 0"
@lw .0001 "lwidth 0.0001"
@lw .01 "lwidth 0.01"
@lw .02 "lwidth 0.02"
@lw .05 "lwidth 0.05"
@lw .1 "lwidth 0.1"
@lw .2 "lwidth 0.2"

end translate
size 3 4 box
set font texcmr !pldr
begin scale 1/6 1/6
amove 9 21
set just center hei 1.4
text Non-zero winding rule
set just left hei .7
set hei 1.2
set lwidth .1
begin path fill gray10
amove  5  19 
aline  5  14  
aline  11  14 
aline  11  19 
amove  6  18 
aline  10  18 
aline  10  15 
aline  6  15  
end path

amove  5  19 
aline  5  14  arrow end 
aline  11  14  arrow end 
aline  11  19  arrow end 
aline  5  19  arrow end 
amove  6  18 
aline  10  18  arrow end 
aline  10  15  arrow end 
aline  6  15  arrow end 
aline  6  18  arrow end 

begin path fill gray10
amove  5  11 
aline  5  6  
aline  11  6 
aline  11  11
aline  5  11 
amove  6  10 
aline  6  7  
aline  10  7  
aline  10  10 
aline  6  10  
end path

amove  5  11 
aline  5  6  arrow end 
aline  11  6  arrow end 
aline  11  11  arrow end 
aline  5  11  arrow end 
amove  6  10 
aline  6  7  arrow end 
aline  10  7  arrow end 
aline  10  10  arrow end 
aline  6  10  arrow end 

set lwidth 0 
amove  3  16.4 
rmove  10  0 
amove  3.2  8.2 
rmove  10  0 
amove  3  8 
aline  13  8  arrow end 
amove  3  16 
aline  13  16  arrow end 
set hei .7 just center
amove  4  16.5 
text 0
amove  5.5  16.5 
text 1
amove  7  16.5 
text 0
amove  10.5  16.5 
text 1
amove  12  16.5 
text 0
amove  4  8.5 
text 0
amove  5.5  8.5 
text 1
amove  7  8.5 
text 2
amove  10.5  8.5 
text 1
amove  12  8.5 
text 0

end scale