GLE Library:

! Subroutines to create polar plots (r = f(theta))

sub polar fct$ from to tstep color$ fill$ lwidth
   default tstep  0.025
   default color  black
   default fill   clear
   default lwidth 0.02
   t = from
   r = eval(fct$)
   set color color$ lwidth lwidth
   begin path stroke fill fill$
      amove xg(r*cos(t)) yg(r*sin(t))
      for t = from+tstep to to step tstep
          r = eval(fct$)
          aline xg(r*cos(t)) yg(r*sin(t))
      next t
   end path
end sub

sub polar_data ds$ color$ fill$ lwidth type$ 
   default color  black
   default fill   clear
   default lwidth 0.02
   default type   line
   set color color$ lwidth lwidth
   if type$="line" then
      for i = 1 to ndata(ds$) 
          amove xg(0) yg(0)
          local r = datayvalue(ds$,i)
          !change deg to radians
          local t = torad(dataxvalue(ds$,i))
          aline xg(r*cos(t)) yg(r*sin(t))
      next i
   ! here I should check for the type, but since there are only two...
     begin path stroke fill fill$
        local r = datayvalue(ds$,1)
        !change deg to radians
        local t = torad(dataxvalue(ds$,1))
        amove xg(r*cos(t)) yg(r*sin(t))
        for i = 2 to ndata(ds$)
            r = datayvalue(ds$,i)          
            t = torad(dataxvalue(ds$,i))
            aline xg(r*cos(t)) yg(r*sin(t))
        next i
     end path
   end if
end sub

sub polar_grid radius rings sectors color$
  default radius  1.0
  default rings   4
  default sectors 8
	default color   gray10
	set color color$
	for ring = 1 to rings
	   amove xg(0) yg(0)
	   circle xg(radius/rings*ring)-xg(0)
	next ring
	for sector = 1 to sectors	   
	   local theta = 2*pi/sectors*(sector-1)
	   amove xg(0) yg(0)	   
	   aline xg(radius*cos(theta)) yg(radius*sin(theta))
	next sector
end sub


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